
  • 网络Biao You Fu;Song to Elucidate Mysteries
  1. 这一点从《标幽赋》的语言运用就可以清楚的看到。

    We could see this clearly through the application of the language of the compose of Mark Secret .

  2. 从脏腑经络气血、腧穴的定位诊断和作用、针灸治疗、针刺的作用原理4个方面探讨窦氏《标幽赋》的针灸学术价值。

    The academic value of acupuncture and moxibustion in Dou 's " Biaoyoufu " is discussed from four aspects , 1.the organs , meridians , Qi and blood ; 2.the location diagnosis and actions of acupoints ; 3.acupuncture and moxibustion treatment ;