
  • 网络Standardized methods;The Standardized Approach;normalization method
  1. 一种新型多类别生物芯片cDNA基因表达数据标准化方法

    A Cross-phenotype Normalization Method for cDNA Gene Expression Data

  2. cDNA微阵列的标准化方法研究

    Study on Normalization Method for cDNA Microarray Data

  3. 脑损害CT图像的计算机标准化方法研究

    A Study of the Method for Standardizing CT Images on Brain Damage

  4. 统一消息中邮件的XML标准化方法

    XML Standard Representation of Email in Uniform Messaging

  5. 颅脑CT影像的标准化方法

    A Method for Standardizing Brain CT Image

  6. 基于移动区间的GPS轨道标准化方法

    Standardization of GPS satellite orbits based on moving intervals

  7. 文中阐述了区间型模糊ART网络中区间数的标准化方法、输入矢量相似度的计算方法、域值的检查方法和学习规则。

    We proposed the Normative Method , Similar Degree Computing Method , Threshold Examining Method and Learning Rule of the Interval-Valued ART .

  8. OmniFindEnterpriseEditionWeb服务通过SOAP协议提供的一种标准化方法提供对产品联邦搜索功能的访问。

    OmniFind Enterprise Edition Web services provides access to the product federated search capability through a standardized method , provided by the SOAP protocol .

  9. 此类激活规范基于JavaConnectorArchitecture(JCA),后者提供了使用Java与企业信息系统通信的标准化方法。

    Such an Activation Specification is based on the Java Connector Architecture ( JCA ) that provides a standardized way to communicate with enterprise information systems using Java .

  10. 资源适配器实现了将特定系统(在此例中为SIB)连接到基于Java的环境的标准化方法。

    A Resource Adapter implements a standardized way to connect a specific system ( in this case the SIB ) to a Java-based environment .

  11. 为了便于比较,本文采取阙值法中的Z-score标准化方法对数据进行无量纲化处理,最后进行了综合评价值的运算,并对各个城市的创新型建设进行了综合排名,并加以分析。

    For comparison purposes , the article takes the z-score standardized method for data dimensionless , and then calculates the comprehensive evaluation value , ranks the marks of various cities , and ultimately analyzes it .

  12. 本文深入研究了NS-EMD方法,并指出其在处理实际信号过程中的不足,提出改进措施,减小了迭代过程给实际信号带来的扭曲失真,提高了标准化方法的精度。

    This paper studies the NS-EMD in depth and points out the shortcoming in the actual signal processing . It puts forward improving measures , reduces the actual signal distortion in the iterative process and improves the accuracy of the Normalization Scheme .

  13. 底拖网作业捕捞努力量标准化方法研究

    An Approach to the Standardization of Fishing Effort of Bottom Trawl

  14. 一种用以建立并反映组织之间的信任的标准化方法。

    A standardized means for establishing and reflecting trust between organizations .

  15. 标准化方法在大学生综合测评中的应用

    The Application of Standardized Method in University Students'Synthetic Test and Evaluation

  16. 同时采用国家标准化方法砷铈催化分光光度法测定不同人群尿碘浓度。

    The urine iodine concentration was determined by national standard method .

  17. 室内热环境评价与测量的新标准化方法

    New Standardization Method About Indoor Thermal Environment Appraise and Measure

  18. 反舰导弹目标分群的位置特征标准化方法研究

    Research on Characteristic Standardization of Target Grouping for Anti-ship Missile

  19. 中学数学解题的标准化方法初探

    First Exploration on Standardized Method of Mathematical Problem solving in Middle School

  20. 医学数据资源共享中数据元著录的标准化方法研究

    Standardization of Data Element in Medical Data Resource Share

  21. 图表制作的标准化方法

    Standardized Methods for the Design of Charts and Tables

  22. 面向大规模定制的结构件标准化方法研究

    A Methodology to Standardize Structural Parts for Mass Customization

  23. 专题文献著者群评价&一种标准化方法的探讨

    Research on the Author Group & A Standardization Method of Evaluating Subject Literature

  24. 相对渗透率曲线和毛管压力曲线的标准化方法

    Standardization on the curves of permeability and capillary pressure

  25. 综合评价中权重系数及标准化方法的研究

    Study on Weight and Standardization Methods in Comprehensive Evaluation

  26. 综合评价中指标值标准化方法的探讨

    An Approach to the Methods of Standardization forthe Hospital Statistical Indexes in Comprehensive Evaluation

  27. 基于肤色模型的人脸标准化方法

    Face Image Standardization Algorithms based on Skin-color Model

  28. 对模型标准化方法进行了系统的应用性研究。

    The calibration model standardization is systematically studied to enhance the robustness and adaptability .

  29. 经济计量模型的数据标准化方法

    The standardization method of data in econometric models

  30. 油藏描述中的测井资料数据标准化方法和程序

    Normalization Procedures for Logging Data in Reservoir Description