
  • 网络credit risk premium;Credit Spread;CRDP
  1. 因此,将Shibor利率作为短期融资券发行定价的重要参考指标有利于量化信用风险溢价,增强短期融资券利率确定的合理性。

    Therefore , Shibor is made as important reference index for CP pricing , which is in favor of quantitative credit risk premium and enhances the rationality of determine the CP interest .

  2. 信用风险溢价通常被认为是对信用风险的补偿。

    Credit risk premium is generally considered to be compensation for credit risk .

  3. 信用风险溢价是指具有信用风险的企业债券的收益与相对无信用风险的国债的收益之间的差异(即信用价差)。

    Credit risk premium is the differences between the yields of corporate bonds with credit risk and Treasury bill relatively with no credit risk ( that 's credit spread ) .

  4. 然后在此基础上提出以同业拆借中心公布的货币市场基准利率为基础,以初级法下信用风险溢价为核心,兼顾银企关系的目标利润率的贷款定价模型。

    Fourthly , based on that , this essay put forward a loan pricing model in the fundamental of which centralizing the loan risk price , taking into account the bank 's profit margin goal and the relationship of bank and customer .