
  • 网络Information and Control
  1. 电子信息与控制实验教学中心的教学改革和实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice of Electronic Information and Control Lab Center

  2. 金融工程:信息与控制领域的挑战

    Financial engineering : challenge in the information and control

  3. 本文通过论述编组站综合集成系统(CIPS)的网络安全设计,提出了铁路专用信息与控制系统进行信息安全防护的新方法。

    The paper introduces the new method for information security protection of special railway information and control system through describing network security design of computer integrated process system ( CIPS ) .

  4. 所以文中提出了MRAC控制方案,即采用RBF径向基网络作为梭式窑温度对象的辨识网络,它产生的Jacobin信息与控制误差一起提供给模糊神经网络控制器作为其学习信号。

    In this paper the MRAC control was presented , that is , using radial basis RBF network as a shuttle kiln identify network , which produced the Jacobin information and the control error together with the information provided to be a study signal of the fuzzy neural network controller .

  5. 数字港城景观照明信息与控制平台的设计与研究

    Design and Study of Landscape Lighting Information and Control Platform in Digital City

  6. 自动步进喷头的流体信息与控制

    Information and Control of Automatic Stepping Fluid Sprays

  7. 确定信息与控制价值的正确方法

    A Correct Approach to Evaluating the Value of Information and the Value of Comtrol

  8. 变频调速技术涉及电子、电工、信息与控制等多个学科领域。

    The frequency control technique is involved with many disciplinary fields such as electronic , information and control .

  9. 笔者在文中对农田作物栽培系统的结构与功能、信息与控制等进行了初步讨论。

    The relationships between structure , function , imforma-tion and control in the system of field-crop cultivation are discussed in this paper .

  10. 利用网络实现局域乃至全球范围内的监测与控制,是信息与控制系统的主要发展趋势。

    The way of monitoring and controlling local area or global area with network is the primary trend of information and control system .

  11. 《微型计算机控制技术》是信息与控制类专业的一门专业必修课.其教学内容与微型计算机的发展密切相关。

    Micro-computer control technology is an important course of information and control speciality and the course teaching must be changed with the development of Micro-computer .

  12. 企业行动者个人人际网络中的结构洞可以为行动者带来信息与控制优势,从而有利于组织创新以赢得竞争。

    The structural holes of an enterprise actor 's egocentric network may bring him the superiority of information and control and then the enterprise can take this advantage to gain competitions .

  13. 当设备出现故障时,能够实现报警功能,还能发送报警信息与控制信息完成对远程终端的控制与管理。

    The fault warning function will work when the equipment is out of work . Also the warning information and controll information can be sent to control and manage the remote terminal .

  14. 文摘:介绍了建立在分布式信息与控制理论基础上的计算机智能化火灾报警及消防联动系统的设计、功能及特点。

    Abstract : introduced the design , function and feature of the system about fire auto-alarm and fire fighting blocking , using computer intelligence technology , it was built up at the distribution message and control theory .

  15. 因此,供应链的模型与优化分析成为供应链研究和应用发展的重要方向,也是管理、信息与控制领域新的挑战和机遇。

    In a word , the SC model and its optimization analysis have become an important issue for the study and application of SC , and also the challenge and opportunity in the field of management , information and control .

  16. 最近一篇论文(杨开阳,井元伟,信息与控制,Vo130,№5,pp:474-4762001)利用比较原理,矩阵范数和矩阵测度的有关性质,提出了简单不确定时滞系统的稳定条件。

    In a recent paper ( YANG Kai yang et al , Information and Control , Vol.30 no.5 , pp : 474-476,2001 ), several stability conditions for single uncertain delay system were proposed by using comparision theorem and some properties of the matrix norm and matrix measure .

  17. 上世纪下半叶,伴随着材料、机械加工、电机、信息与控制、测试等工业的技术进步,制冷与空调压缩机技术也得到了快速发展,制冷系统的整机能效比有了很大提高。

    In the past half century owing to the progress of relative technologies as the materials , machining , motors , transducer , signal processing , control and test , the refrigerating and air-conditioning compressors got rapidly developed and the COP value of refrigeration system reached higher level .

  18. 基于OPC服务网关的企业信息网与控制网的融合

    Integration of Intranets and Control Nets in Power Plants Based on OPC Service Gate

  19. 脑&计算机接口(BraincomputerInterface,BCI)可以提供一种不依赖于人体外周神经系统及肌肉组织,建立在人与周围环境间信息交流与控制的新型通道。

    The " Brain-Computer Interface ( BCI )" system is aimed at developing a technical system with extra communication and control channels that do not depend on the brain 's normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles .

  20. 单片机是光栅信号处理系统的核心部分,是系统的信息处理与控制单元,实现光栅测量数据的采集与处理,键盘、显示及USB通讯的控制。

    The single-chip microcomputer is the central part of the grating signal processing system and the unit of information processing and control , which carry out the data acquisition and processing , keyboard control , data display and USB communication .

  21. 并介绍了如何在嵌入式操作系统uCLinux上进行嵌入设备通信程序的编写,实现了嵌入式设备的网络化信息交流与控制。

    It also introduces how to compile communications program of embedded equipment in Embedded Operating System uCLinux . This design realizes intercommunion and control of network information belonging to Embedded equipment .

  22. 植入式脑-机接口(InvasiveBrain-machineinterface)通过记录大脑皮层神经活动信号,结合信号处理技术,获得神经活动信号与实际运动及意识之间的映射关系,在大脑与外界之间建立信息交流与控制通道。

    Invasive Brain-Machine Interface ( BMI ) obtains the relationships between actual movements and neural signals which are recorded from cerebral cortex by signal processing technology , and provides users with communication and control channels to communicate with the outside world directly .

  23. 数字化制鞋生产信息管理与控制系统研究

    Research on Information Management and Control System of Digital Shoe Manufacturing

  24. 网络暴力、信息自由与控制&传播速度的视角

    Cyber Bully , Information Freedom and Control-A Viewpoint of Communication Speed

  25. 基于可视化仿真的水电工程动态信息管理与控制方法

    Dynamic Information Management and Control Method for Hydropower Engineering Based on Visual Simulation

  26. 企业网中信息网络与控制网络的集成问题

    The Integration Issue of Information Network and Control Network in Enterprise Network Environment

  27. 基于视觉的人机交互系统信息交流与控制

    Information Exchange and Control in Vision-based Human-computer Interaction System

  28. 概念设计中约束信息管理与控制系统

    Constraint Information Management and Control System in Conceptual Design

  29. 弧焊机器人焊接区视觉信息传感与控制技术

    Arc-welding robot vision information sensing and control technology

  30. 浅议公司虚假财务信息与内部控制环境

    Simple analysis of the fake financing information and internal control environment about the enterprises