
  • 网络demultiplexer;Splitter;demux
  1. SOI波长信号分离器的研制

    Fabrication of SOI Wavelength Demultiplexer

  2. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加8信道多路复用器或信号分离器。

    Drag onto the page to add a 8-channel multiplexer or demultiplexer .

  3. 仿真显示,CNN盲信号分离器具有良好的鲁棒性,而且工作平稳。

    Simulations show that the CNN blind signal separator has strong robustness and works even better than the theory predicts .

  4. 第二层的功能是一个信号分离器。

    The second CNN layer functions as a signal separator .

  5. 在网络图中添加多路复用器、信号分离器或类似设备。

    Adds a multiplexer , demultiplexer , or a similar device to your network diagram .

  6. 双时间常数同步信号分离器

    Double time constant synchronous signal separator

  7. 自适应信号分离器的性能分析

    Property analysis of adaptive signal separator

  8. 结合自适应信号分离器对预测误差进行处理达到检测微弱信号的目的。

    Third , combining with an adaptive filter , predictive error is processed so that weak signal is extracted from strong chaotic noise .

  9. 如有必要,该地区可以通过添加额外的扩展中继器的单位,所有连接到同一个外置天线,使用信号分离器和线路放大器。

    If necessary , the area can be extended by adding additional repeater units , all connected to the same external antenna , using a signal splitter and line amplifier .

  10. 离子迁移谱电信号前置放大电路的设计与仿真同步[信号]分离器

    Design and Simulation of Pre-amplification Circuit for IMS Current Signals

  11. 系统的硬件包括声发射传感器、信号放大器、信号分离器、数据采集卡以及PC计算机。

    The hardware of the system includes AE sensors , signal-amplifier , signal separator , data acquisition card and computer .

  12. PAL电视信号2&D自适应Y-C分离器

    A 2-D adaptive y-c separator for the PAL TV signals

  13. 将光纤传感技术引入油田联合站,解决原油储罐液位检测和报警、储罐负压检测和报警、原油流量检测和信号远传、三相分离器油、水液位检测与信号远传。

    The fiber optic sensing and control technology is introduced to test the liquid level of the oil tank in the oil field united station .

  14. 接收到的图像信号分两路,一路进入同步信号分离器,分离出字符叠加芯片所需的复合同步信号,另一路进入视频放大电路,对信号进行驱动。

    Accepted picture output two streams , from one of which the composite sync outputs needed by chip for video characters overlapping is separated in the video sync separator . The other is input of the video amplifying circuit to drive the signal .

  15. 为了消除心电信号检测过程中带有的上述三种噪声,采用LMS自适应算法及小波变换理论,有针对性的设计了自适应滤波器、小波变换滤波器和自适应信号分离器等三种数字滤波器来滤除相应干扰。

    To eliminate the ECG signals noises mentioned above , this paper adopts LMS adaptive algorithm and wavelet transform theory to design three kinds of digital adaptive filters & adaptive noise cancellation filter , wavelet transform filter and adaptive signal dividing filter to filter the corresponding noises .