
  • 网络Signal Leakage
  1. 从信号泄漏和空间模糊的角度出发,详细分析了一种基于小波分解的多分辨信号波达方向估计方法(WDMDoA)并指出其缺陷。

    In view of signal leakage and spatial phase ambiguity , an estimation method of multiresolution signal direction-of-arrival based on wavelet decomposition ( WD-MDOA ) is analyzed in detail and its disadvantage is addressed .

  2. 屏蔽接地线比裸露接地线信号泄漏小。

    The signal leakage through the shielding cable is less than the bare cable .

  3. 但由于实际互耦误差的影响,GSC的支路会出现期望信号泄漏,导致此波束形成器不能正常工作。

    Due to the errors in practical applications , the expected signal will be eliminated and the GSC can not work well .

  4. 针对高速移动环境下会信道预测会带来严重的预测误差问题的问题,本文提出了一种基于预测误差补偿的信号泄漏噪声比(SLNR)预编码算法。

    However , in the higher speed mobile environment , channel prediction will result in serious prediction errors . To solve this problem , an improved signal-to-leakage-and-noise rate ( SLNR ) precoding scheme based on prediction error compensation is proposed .

  5. 与传统的频域识别方法相比较,时域识别方法近年来得到了长足的发展,它有效地避免了频域识别方法中一些不足,如信号泄漏等,而且方法具有多样性。

    Compared with traditional frequency-domain identification methods , various time-domain methods have been formulated in recent years . These methods successfully overcome some limits of frequency-domain ones , such as signal leakage .

  6. 利用求解波印亭矢量的方法,推导了由于阵面辐射单元信号泄漏所带来的试验误差公式,进而从理论上分析了辐射单元间距对试验精度的影响。

    This paper also analyses the affect of signal leaking using the concept of Poynting , and puts forward a formula to describe the connection of antenna interval and test precision from theoretics .

  7. 基于频谱扩展的DVI视频信号防泄漏方法

    Method of Anti-leakage of DVI Video Information Based on Spread Spectrum

  8. 针对SIM系统,本文着重研究了管道腐蚀模型的建立和基于声信号的泄漏检测。

    Aimed at the SIM system , this paper emphases on the modelling the pipe deterioration and the acoustic signal detection .

  9. 针对多级维纳滤波器(MSWF)用于子空间估计时信号特征矢量泄漏到噪声子空间的问题,提出了一种新的信号子空间估计算法,该算法不需要训练信号和信源个数的先验知识。

    For the problem of signal leakage into noise subspace using Multi-stage wiener filter ( MSWF ) technique to estimate the signal subspace , this paper presents a subspace estimation algorithm . This method does not require the training signal and pre-knowledge of source number .

  10. 基于动态压力信号的管道泄漏检测技术研究

    Research on pipeline leak detection based on dynamic pressure signal

  11. 利用声信号进行水管泄漏检测存在一个问题,即水管的泄漏信号沿管道传播的衰减问题,利用声信号检测是否能检测到泄漏信号。

    Questions that the attenuation of leak signal and whether the leak signal can be detected exists based on acoustic signal detection .

  12. 监测系统工作原理是通过监测电缆放电信号和直流泄漏电流信号综合评估电缆绝缘状态。

    The working principle of the developed monitoring system is to assess comprehensively the insulation status of DC feeder cable through monitoring discharge signal and DC leakage current signal .

  13. 其关键问题在于掌握芯片运行过程中泄漏信息的机理,进而建立统计分析泄漏信号的信息泄漏模型。

    The main problem of side - channel cryptanalysis is to grasp the in - formation leakage mechanism in chip , and to build information leakage model for leakage signal statistical analyzing .

  14. 提出了将阀门快速部分关闭,引起管道流体波动,根据激励响应压力信号检测管道泄漏的新方法激励响应法。

    The induced response method that the portion of the valve is closed rapidly to induce the fluctuation of fluid in pipeline so as to detect the leakage of pipeline in light of induced pressure signal is put forward .

  15. 本文通过对泄漏信号识别、泄漏点精确定位以及管线运行数据的实时传输和科学管理等关键技术的分析,提出了基于分布式光纤传感器的管道泄漏实时监测系统设计方案。

    Through analyzing the key techniques , such as leakage signals identity , leakage position precisely locating , the real-time transportation of data and scientific management , a real-time detecting system of pipeline leakage based on distributed optical fiber sensors is structured .

  16. 文章总结了油气管道泄漏检测和定位的主要方法,重点介绍了基于模型和信号处理的泄漏检测及定位方法,分析了各种管道泄漏检测方法的原理和各方法的优缺点。

    Main methods for leak detection and location of oil & gas pipelines are summarized with emphasis on the method based on model and signal treatment . The principles , advantages and shortcomings of various detection methods are analyzed and the developing trend is studied .

  17. 因此,研究Kalman滤波算法,减小模型的不确定性和信号扰动对管道泄漏检测与定位精度的影响,降低泄漏误报率,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    As a result , researching Kalman filter algorithm , in the premise of , reducing model uncertainty and signal disturbance on pipeline leak detection and location accuracy , and decreasing the leakage false alarm have significant theoretical significance and application value .

  18. 本文提出基于压电传感器信号特征的管道泄漏检测方法。

    Pipeline leak detection based on the signal features of piezoelectric sensor is proposed .

  19. 通过现场的测试信号重构结果和泄漏报警结果表明,本文提出的基于声纹识别技术的气体管道泄漏监测方案是可行、可靠的。

    The real test signal reconstruction results and leakage alarm signal results show that the leakage signal detection method of this paper is feasible and reliable .

  20. 但由于截断信号会产生频谱泄漏,使得相位和频率计算结果有一定误差,采用该方法跟踪频率,实时计算电网变化的频率速度较慢。

    The spectral leakage caused by the truncated signals results in frequency calculation error and slows frequency tracking . A Hanning windowed recursive DFT method is introduced .

  21. 系统的硬件包括液晶显示模块、电压信号采集电路、泄漏电流测量电路、频率测量电路、键盘接口电路、打印机接口电路等部分。

    The hardware of system includes LCD module , voltage signal acquisition circuit , leakage current measurement circuit , frequency measurement circuit , keyboard interface circuit and printer interface circuit .

  22. 结果表明,由于采样测量中存在同步误差,使信号频率发生偏移,信号幅值减小,信号泄漏增加,降低了微弱信号的分辨率。

    Simulated results show that synchronous error in sampling causes the error in frequency-domain analysis of signals , including the deviation of signal frequency and decrease of amplitude and increase of leakage of signals . These factors reduce the resolution of weak signals .

  23. 用信号和频域分析方法研究了计算机视频信号辐射泄漏机理和窃收机理,指出了信息泄漏防护的重要性;

    We discuss the principle of information electronic magnetic emanation and information eavesdropping using the method of signal theory and frequency domain analysis , and point out the importance of information emanation and suppression .

  24. 分析表明,检测信号的小波变换系数极值的奇异性准确地反映了管道检测信号的泄漏特征,并且从局部描述了管道泄漏信号的瞬态正则性。

    The analytical results show that the oddity of wavelet transform coefficient extremum can reflect accurately the characters of leakage signal and depict the transient regularity of leakage signal in local .

  25. 该算法通过对时域信号加合适的窗函数,并在频域采用相应的内插算法,可以有效地减小测量过程中信号的频谱泄漏,得到精确的测量结果。

    The accuracy measurement of the signal can be achieved with a suitable windowing operation in time domain and an interpolation algorithm in frequency domain .