
  • 网络reflex klystron
  1. 它们是折叠式谐振腔径向速调管振荡器,高功率虚阴极径向反射速调管振荡器,开放式同轴折叠式谐振腔径向反射速调管振荡器。

    These new members include : the radial klystron oscillator with foldaway-concentric cylindrical cavity , the radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode and radial reflex klystron with open foldaway-concentric cylindrical cavity .

  2. 所用的方法基于自动频率微调的原理,即利用一套鉴频系统使反射速调管的振荡频率自动地跟踪到被测腔的谐振频率。

    The method is based on the principle of automatic frequency tunning , i.e. tunning a reflex klystron oscillator tracking the resonant frequency of the cavity to be measured automatically by means of a discriminator .

  3. 反射速调管微波振荡源不稳定分析

    An Analysis of the Instability of Reflex Klystron Microwave Vibration Source

  4. 新型高功率虚阴极径向反射速调管振荡器

    High power radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode

  5. 反射速调管负载特性和寄生谐振的研究

    Load effects and parasitic resonance in reflex klystrons

  6. 本文通过用电场和电子运动方程,分析反射速调管作为微波振荡源,为什么其加速极电压或反射电压波动,会引起振荡源工作不稳定。

    This paper , by using the equation of electric field and electronic motion , is going to make it clear that when the reflex klystron is used as microwave vibration source , the undulation of its accelerating voltage and reflex voltage may cause the instability of vibration source .

  7. 反射式速调管自动频率稳定电路研究

    A Study on the Automatic Frequency Control Circuit of the Reflective Klystron

  8. 实验结果证明,在三公分波段中用铁氧体微波限幅器来改善反射式速调管的性能是完全可行的。

    Experimental results of the performance characteristics of an X-band ferrite microwave limiter is presented .