
  1. 比在被子上尿尿更糟糕的是这些被子还都死贵反正是我租的房子被子也是租的吗

    That 's even worse than peeing on your down-comforter , cause those are expensive , so ... well I was renting the house so ... and you 're renting the comforter too ?

  2. 反正都是我一个人在工作而且我真的需要更多钱

    I 've been doing all the work anyway , and I really could use the extra money .

  3. 也许你会想:“反正不会是我”。那么好的。

    And maybe you 're thinking , " Well , it won 't be me . " Then , OK .

  4. 你走不了运,格兰特先生说,好运挑选良伴,挑的常是那些善良、聪明的人。反正这是我的经验。

    And you never will , said Mr Grant.Good Luck is very careful who she travels with , and mostly chooses those who are kind and sensible.Thats my experience , anyway .

  5. 它们都从他那里归于你方,反正从前都是我的,一样一样。

    They all returned from him to you , Though they were mine before .

  6. 反正这只大概是我的最爱了

    Anyway , this is probably my favorite .