
  • Enough;That's enough;well;Enough is enough
够了 [gòu le]
  • [well] --用于表示惊讶和规劝,常常是重叠使用,表示满足需要了

  1. 我觉得二十位客人就够了。

    Twenty guests are enough , I would have thought .

  2. 我听够了他们无休止的争吵。

    I 've had enough of their endless arguing .

  3. 就这一天而论,我操够了心!

    I 've done my share of worrying for one day !

  4. 他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。

    He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows .

  5. 你弄脏了的地方总是要我来打扫,我受够了!

    I 'm fed up with clearing up after you !

  6. 我已经受够了你那臭脾气!

    I 've had quite enough of your tantrums .

  7. 大家稍稍挤一挤,地方就够了。

    There 'll be enough room if we all squeeze up a little .

  8. 她那些幼稚的愚蠢行为我受够了。

    I 've had enough of her childish stunts .

  9. 我已经听够了你的抱怨了。

    I 've had a bellyful of your moaning .

  10. 这讨厌的差事,我真受够了!

    I 've had enough of this perishing job !

  11. 你的无礼我已经受够了——我不会再容忍下去了!

    I 'm sick of your rudeness ─ I won 't have it any longer !

  12. 一份摊鸡蛋我就够了。

    An omelette will do me fine .

  13. 等她哭够了,她就比较镇静,比较克制了。

    When her tears had run their course , she felt calmer and more in control .

  14. 六瓶应该够了。

    Six bottles should be enough .

  15. 你保够了险吗?

    Are you adequately insured ?

  16. 关于自己的流言蜚语满天乱飞,他实在受够了。

    He was fed-up with the lies being spread about him .

  17. 我就见过他那一次,那就让我受够了。

    I met him only the once , and that was enough

  18. 约翰,我们受够了。我们要退出。

    We 've had enough , John . We want out

  19. 我讨厌你的钱,也受够了你居高临下的态度。

    I 'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude

  20. 我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了。

    My husband is a jazz musician . Enough said .

  21. 我受够了你的歇斯底里,知道吗?

    I 'm sick of your having hysterics , okay ?

  22. 他们受够了,他们想要解脱,永远的解脱。

    They were through . They wanted out . Forever

  23. 他们只是勉强凑够了钱。

    They only just managed to scrape the money together

  24. 等玩够了,我们就会结束。

    When we stop enjoying ourselves we 'll knock it on the head .

  25. 我们觉得已经受够了失望和情绪困扰。

    We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets .

  26. 学生生活我已经过够了。

    I 'd had enough of academic life .

  27. 我可以每天只吃巧克力就够了。

    I could spend each day gorging on chocolate

  28. 我已经听够了你的谎言。

    I 've had enough of your lies

  29. 我已经受够了——即使是圣人忍耐也是有限的!

    I 've had enough — there are limits even for the patience of a saint !

  30. 我不知道你怎么想,但我已经受够了。

    I don 't know about you , but I 've had just about enough of this .