
  • 网络Run away;Escape
  1. 我想逃到海水清澈的斐济。

    I would love to escape to the clear waters of Fiji .

  2. 魔里沙:你想逃?

    Marisa : You try to escape ?

  3. 如果你想逃就去沙漠吧。

    If you have the guts , come to the desert .

  4. 她想逃回车里,找回安全的依托。

    She thought about retreating to the safety of her car .

  5. 我想逃一天课也没什么。

    I didn 't think missing one day of school would hurt .

  6. 你们不要想逃喔,告诉你们。

    I 'm warning you , don 't even think about escaping .

  7. 婚礼已定,但我想逃。

    Wedding planned , but I 'd rather elope .

  8. 我今天就想逃到大西洋城结婚。

    Just makes me want to run off to Atlantic City and get married today .

  9. 如果在你选择的行业里创建者想逃出来,这告诉你什么?

    If people established in your chosen industry are bailing out , what does that tell you ?

  10. 他已被紧紧地拴在了斧头的阴影之下,想逃也是逃不掉了。

    That flight was impossible ; that he was tied fast under the shadow of the axe ;

  11. 我想逃到外面,接受微风的吹拂;但我站着不动,所见所闻几乎让我呆若木鸡。

    I wanted to escape outside for the promise of a breeze ; but I stood still , almost transfixed by the sounds and images .

  12. 我还记得每次白色檀陀瑜伽的时候,我都对自己的“外壳”感到很不舒服,想逃到瑜伽堂外面去放声大哭一场。

    I can remember times in White Tantric Yoga where I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I wanted to run screaming from the yoga hall .

  13. 一转眼,童年过去了,当胡须慢慢从嘴角长出,家又成了一个想逃的地方。

    In a wink , my childhood was gone . When a thin layer of hair began to grow around the corners of my mouth , home became a place I tried to escape from .

  14. 当人越加靠近坐椅的时候,座椅会点亮并且光的频率也会加速,从而传达它想逃却无法逃走的讯息。

    As the sitter comes closer to the chair , the chair 's heart rate increases reminding us that even it wants to escape , it is firmly and almost painfully stuck in front of us .

  15. 如果不是我自己想办法逃出来。

    And if I hadn 't figured a way to escape .

  16. 她会想办法逃回到我的身边。

    She will find a way to escape and come back to me .

  17. 你想往南逃尽管去吧

    You want to run away south run away .

  18. 不过,他想办法逃了出来。

    Somehow , he managed to get out .

  19. 既累又伤,迈克尔说他再也不想继续逃下去了。

    Tired and beaten , Michael says he doesn 't want to run anymore .

  20. 当石人想船尾逃去时,鸭子用篙封住了他的去路。

    When the stone man moved aft , Duck blocked his way , pole in hand .

  21. 我想带她逃到一个安全的地方。

    I wanted to get her away to somewhere safe .

  22. 我本意是想帮他逃出来。

    My intention was to extract him .

  23. 我不知道,她噙着眼泪说,仿佛想拔腿就逃。

    I don 't know , she said tearfully , looking as though she wanted to bolt .

  24. 婚姻就像是个捕鼠器,在外面的想钻进去,钻进去的想逃出来。

    Marriage is like a mousetrap . Those on the outside are trying to get in . Those on the inside are trying to get out .

  25. 承诺是一张白纸,再厚的剧本也有了结局,我想我知道眼泪的味道,就算付出每一分,每一秒我都不曾想逃。

    Commitment is a white paper , and then the script has also been thick end , I think I know the taste of tears , even if the pay every point , every second I do not have bailing .