
  • 网络Cry cry;The tears happen;cry
  1. 想哭就哭吧,男人哭是不好但也不是罪。

    Want to cry to cry , the man cry is bad but also not sin .

  2. 你不要去想别人会怎么想,想哭就哭吧!流流泪对身体有好处。

    You shouldn 't be concerned with what other people are thinking either - cry if you need to - it 's healthy to shed your tears .

  3. 我们都是想笑就笑想哭就哭。

    Dearest , please be brave . I have been here all the time .

  4. 玛莎不好意思啦,如今的女商人想哭就哭,而且这并不会阻碍她们的成功。

    Sorry Martha , it turns out they do and it doesnt stop us from being successful .

  5. 一个人不论任何时候想哭就哭这实在是没有必要;但是当一个人应该哭的时候也就是一个人需要哭的时候,应该能够哭出来。

    It is unnecessary to cry whenever one wants to cry , but one should be able to cry when one ought to cry - when one needs to cry .

  6. 你要是想哭,就哭吧

    If you need to cry , just go ahead and cry .

  7. 脸谱的首席运营官雪莉-桑德伯格告诉职场上的女性:想哭就大声哭出来吧!

    Facebook 's COO Sheryl Sandberg says that it 's ok for women to cry at work .

  8. 如果你想哭的话就哭出来吧。

    It 's OK to cry if you want yo .