
  • 网络Want To Fly;Princess D
  1. 如果你想飞,就去尽情地飞。

    So when you want to fly , you can fly .

  2. 你要是想飞到朝鲜,就该早作打算。

    You must act fast if you want to fly to korea .

  3. 他有个想飞上月球的怪念头。

    He had a whimsy about flying to the moon .

  4. 风雨不能压抑我想飞的热情。

    Wind and rain could not dampen my enthusiasm for flying .

  5. 初夏的海风吹得让我想飞起来。

    The sea wind in early summer let me fly .

  6. 如果我想飞,为什么我不能飞。

    Do what you want , fuck else things .

  7. 每片树叶,都是树根想飞的梦想。

    Every leave lies a dream of flying that gifted by the root .

  8. 她想飞回你的身旁。

    She wanted to fly back to your side .

  9. 如果我想飞,我会想办法飞的。

    If I want to fly , I 'll find a way to fly .

  10. 他想飞到月球上去。

    He wants to fly to the moon .

  11. 当你心中有想飞的冲动时,就别在地上爬。

    You can never consent to creep when you feel the impulse to soar .

  12. 飞机-选择你想飞的飞机根据显示的说明。

    Aircraft-Choose the airplane you would like to fly based on the descriptions shown .

  13. 想飞而不能飞,就让目光随着风筝飞。

    Yearning for flight yet cannot fly , so let sights fly with kite .

  14. 你想飞得比光还快吗?

    Want to travel faster than light ?

  15. 拉里沃尔特少年时期的梦想并不很平常:他想飞。

    Larry Walters boyhood dream was not an unusual one : He wanted to fly .

  16. 当它想飞时,放手让它去。

    Let it fly when it wants .

  17. 你知道吗我就是一只想飞出巢的小鸟

    I just kind of want to get away from the nest , you know ?

  18. 我想飞纽约,怎样走最合适?

    I 'd like to fly to new york , which is the best way ?

  19. 她觉得自己是只鸟想飞从20楼摔下来

    She thought she was a bird , tried to fly , fell 20 stories .

  20. 我是一只小鸟,想飞,但却没有力量去实现自己的愿望。

    I 'm a bird , want to fly , but have no power to fly .

  21. 拉里·沃尔特少年时期的梦想并不很平常:他想飞。

    Larry Walters " boyhood dream was not an unusual one : He wanted to fly .

  22. 我也是,每次我想飞的时候,都因没有翅膀而跌落,我感到自己是如此渺小。

    Everytime I try to fly , I fall without my wings , I fell so small .

  23. 当力量从她身体里流出时,她的击打变得想飞蛾乱扑在他脸上。

    As the strength went out of her , her blows became moths fluttering about his face .

  24. 想着家里没人能管束,我的心就想飞得更高更远了。

    No one can think of family control , and my heart would want to fly higher and farther .

  25. 我的朋友大多是小菜鸟,甚至小小菜鸟,却都想飞的更高。

    My friends are all little bird , even never , but , they all have the dream in the sky .

  26. 我想飞到高高的天空,看一看太平洋有多大。

    I want to fly high in the sky . I can have a look at where the Great Wall is .

  27. “根据较便宜的航空费来看,我想飞到纽约而不是开车去。”

    " In the light of cheaper air fares , I wish to fly instead of drive to new york . "

  28. 我这次想飞到爱达荷州,希望能飞行200300,甚至400英里。

    Well , I definitely gonna make it to Idaho this time , hopefully , two , three or four hundred miles .

  29. 想飞的小男孩跑到这位父亲的耳边轻轻耳语了一些什么。

    The little boy who had always wanted to fly ran over to the boy 's father and whispered something into his ear .

  30. 愧疚伴随着丝丝缕缕的牵盼,仿佛一只被困的蝶,想飞却难以展翅,只好原地打转。

    Guilt associated with the continuously Qianpan fishes , like a trapped butterfly , wings to Fly is difficult , so in situ round .