
  1. 你想什么时候去找一份正经的工作呀?

    When are you going to get a proper job ?

  2. 真是的!他们下一步还会想什么?

    Honestly ! Whatever will they think of next ?

  3. 她一看就知道他在想什么。

    She could divine what he was thinking just by looking at him .

  4. 我惴惴不安,不知他到底在想什么。

    I wondered uneasily what he was thinking .

  5. 我怎么知道他在想什么?我又不会传心术!

    How do I know what he 's thinking ? I 'm not telepathic !

  6. 真是不可思议,她好像知道我在想什么似的。

    It was uncanny really , almost as if she knew what I was thinking .

  7. 这个游戏的魅力就在于要努力去猜对手在想什么。

    The fascination of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking .

  8. 你刚才在想什么呢?你开小差了。

    What were you thinking about ? You were miles away .

  9. 只有化作他肚子里的蛔虫才有可能猜出他在想什么。

    Only by being him can you hope to outguess him

  10. 那个愚蠢的守卫能想什么?

    What can that fool guard be thinking of ?

  11. 我一路走着,没想什么特别的事,只是四下张望着。

    I went along thinking of nothing in particular only looking at things around me

  12. 她咕哝着:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。”

    ' God knows what 's happening in that madman 's mind , ' she muttered

  13. 只有天晓得她在想什么。

    God alone knows what she thinks .

  14. 蒂姆,这可糟了。我知道你心里在想什么,但实际情况不是这样的。

    Tim , this is awful . I know what you must think , but it 's not so

  15. “我们会再打电话,你可以安排约见。”——“没问题。你们想什么时间去?”

    ' We 'll phone and you can make an appointment . ' — 'Sure . What time do you want to go ? '

  16. 管他想什么,都没关系。

    Whatever he thinks doesn 't matter .

  17. 你在想什么?

    What are you thinking of ?

  18. "我不知道我的纽约朋友在想什么。"

    " I didn 't know what my New York friends were thinking . "

  19. 这种能力包括能推断出别人知道什么或在想什么。

    Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking .

  20. �freelancework自由职业你是全职工作者么?不,我是自由职业者,我想什么时候工作就什么时候工作。

    No , I do freelance work , so I can work when I want .

  21. 那你们两个傻瓜在想什么?!

    Then what were you two knuckle2 heads thinking ? !

  22. B:不可能,你自己瞎想什么。

    B : No , that 's a figment of your imagination .

  23. 我总是知道她在想什么。

    I always know what she 's thinking .

  24. 惠子说:“我的确不是你,却是不知道你在想什么,你并不是鱼,因此,你不知道鱼是否快乐,这是完全可以肯定的了。”

    Hui Zi said , " No , I am not you and do not know what you are thinking about . But you are not fish . So you cannot know whether the fish is joyous or not . This is for sure . "

  25. 但那种方式类似于MicrosoftOutlook&一个臃肿但难用的程序,它实际上不能为任何人做什么有用的事(艾伦,现在告诉我们你到底在想什么)。

    But that way lies Microsoft Outlook & a bloated , hard-to-use program that does virtually nothing useful for anybody ( now tell us what you really think , Allen ) .

  26. 人们看着你,而你知道他们在想什么。

    People looked at you and you knew they were thinking .

  27. 他那神秘莫测的面孔看不出在想什么。

    His inscrutable face does not show what he is thinking .

  28. 他仔细看她的脸,琢磨她在想什么。

    He studied her face wondering what she was thinking about .

  29. 现在我知道你们大家在想什么…

    Now , l know what you all are thinking ...

  30. 他在想什么呢&多么恐怖阴暗的集中营吗?

    What was he thinking of & what dark and horrible things ?