
  • 网络Can't Stop Thinking About You
  1. 当然你不要自个把事情翻来覆去地想个不停。

    And certainly don 't ruminate on your own .

  2. 对”应该是怎样“想个不停,而不接受”是怎样“,我们是在试图用无用、非正常的方法要去控制别人。

    Obsessing about what should be rather than accepting what is , we may try to control other people in useless , dysfunctional ways .

  3. 特别是如果你正在对亡故或分手的心碎而悲伤,只要给自己一点点时间,不去对那件事想个不停,就能帮助你治愈和渡过它。

    If you 're grieving a death , or heartbroken over a breakup , especially , giving yourself a little time to just be without obsessing on the event that hurts will help you to heal and move past it .

  4. 对失败想个不停让我们感到痛苦,但是对成功想个不停则会让我们成为囚犯,仅仅被一个想法就绑在自己可怜的凳子上,即:我讨厌,但至少我擅长。

    Dwelling on failure can make us miserable , but dwelling on success can turn us into galley slaves , bound to our wretched benches solely by the thought , I hate this , but at least I 'm good at it .

  5. 她说:“我想象不出自己干嘛这么做!尤其我一整个早上都惦记着你。昨晚我梦见你,一个生动的梦,让我一整天想个不停。”“告诉我那个梦。”

    She said , " I can 't imagine why I would 've done that ! Especially because you 've been on my mind all morning . I had this really vivid dream about you last night . I haven 't been able to stop thinking about it all day . "