
  • 网络Unlimited dreams;For More Sun
  1. 就像拉满的弓总是朝向高处一样,射手座的女人也有伟大的梦想,无限的渴望以及高远的目标。

    As the bow of the archer always aims high , the Sagittarius woman has big dreams , aspirations and goals .

  2. 换句话说,这一代人的终极超人梦想就是无限的、超高速的互联网——想必最好还有永不耗尽的智能手机电池。

    The ultimate superpower dream for this generation , in other words , is unlimited , ultra-high-speed internet - presumably complemented by a smartphone battery that never runs out .

  3. 顶级地域助飞梦想,非凡空间无限可能,高级场馆高端服务,优雅独特创意飞翔!

    Flying dreams with top-level domain , infinite possibility with special space , top service and elegant , unique creativity .