
  • 网络city of dreams;dream city
  1. 好莱坞一直以来就是梦想之城。

    Hollywood has always been the city of dreams .

  2. 如果孟买是梦想之城,那麽宝莱坞就是梦想成真的地方。

    If Mumbai is the city of dreams , then Bollywood is where they all come true .

  3. 从圣玛丽教堂塔俯瞰"梦想之城尖塔"。

    Look over the " city of dreaming spires " from St Mary 's Church Tower .

  4. 好莱坞号称是“梦想之城”,你去过那里吗?

    Hollywood is a place where dreams come true . Have you ever been there ?

  5. “虚拟建筑师”担心他们的梦想之城会因微软的收购而增加更多限制。

    These virtual architects fear that their creative community will be forced to deal with new restrictions when Microsoft takes over .

  6. 很多洛杉矶人想成为演员,我餐厅里半数的服务生其实都是演员,这是个梦想之城。

    Many people in Los Angeles want to be actors and actresses . Half of our waiters are really actors . It 's a city of dreams .