
  1. 惊悚片《消失的爱人》(GoneGirl)里那对讨人嫌的夫妇口中所讲的话,不可靠到了让人脊背发凉的地步,所以票房收入轻而易举地击败了讲话靠不住的“活死人”《德古拉》(Dracula)。

    The unsavory husband and wife in the thriller " Gone Girl " are such chillingly unreliable narrators that they easily beat out the undead unreliable narrator , Dracula , at the box office .

  2. 与此同时,本·阿弗莱克正在拍摄《消失的爱人》,还在将于明年开机且备受期待的《蝙蝠侠Vs超人》中饰演蝙蝠侠。

    Meanwhile , Ben Affleck is currently still working on his latest feature , Gone Girl , and is preparing to take on Batman in the highly anticipated Batman vs. Superman , which will reportedly start filming early next year .

  3. 剧情类最佳女主角:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿,《蛋糕》;费莉希蒂·琼斯(FelicityJones),《万物理论》;朱莉安娜·摩尔,《依然是爱丽丝》;罗莎蒙德·派克(RosamundPike),《消失的爱人》;瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,《涉足荒野》

    Best Actress , DramaJennifer Aniston , " Cake " Felicity Jones , " The Theory of Everything " Julianne Moore , " Still Alice " Rosamund Pike , " Gone Girl " Reese Witherspoon , " Wild "

  4. 除了《消失的爱人》,好莱坞外国记者协会还很看重尚未上映的重拍音乐剧《安妮:纽约奇缘》(Annie),把最佳喜剧类女主角的提名给了该片年轻的影星奎文赞妮·瓦利斯(QuvenzhaneWallis)

    Along with " Gone Girl , " the press association also threw its weight behind a still-unreleased remake of the musical " Annie , " notably giving its young star , Quvenzhane Wallis , a nomination for best comedic actress .

  5. 金球奖评委通常喜欢用商业大片造势,周四他们就给了获得四项提名的《消失的爱人》(GoneGirl)很大的展示机会。但他们只给了克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)的《星际穿越》最佳配乐奖一项提名。

    Globes voters , which are typically eager to lean into commercial hits ( as they did on Thursday with " Gone Girl , " giving it four nominations , a strong showing ) , only found Christopher Nolan 's " Interstellar " worthy of a lone nod , for best score .

  6. 本周末的电影票房冠军是《消失的爱人》。

    At the weekend box office Gone Girl took the top spot .

  7. 《消失的爱人》影星本-阿弗莱克最近几个月也留起了胡子。

    Gone Girl star Ben Affleck has also been sporting a beard in recent months 。