
  1. 同时本文对确定登记的时间点等相关问题也一并进行了论述。

    The article also discuss the problem that how to confirm the time of the register .

  2. 对全弹道的不同时间点进行了计算,为结构的瞬态热分析提供了边界条件。

    The engineering estimation results were compared . Along the whole trajectory the thermal environment at different time were calculated , which provided the boundary conditions for the transient thermal analysis .

  3. 采用对连续多帧同一坐标像点的温度数据进行多项式拟合计算,利用拟合函数对特定的时间点进行温度取值,进而得到类似于焦平面阵列形式的图像。

    Polynomial fit is engaged to fit the temperature data of the same point of several continuous frames , and then temperatures at given time from the fitted functions are obtained , and at last the temperature images are displayed .