
  • 网络We're fine;We Are Fine;We are Well;We are very good;We're Very Well
  1. 我们很好,希望你们也好。

    We are fine and hope you are well .

  2. 爸爸有时对我们很好,但有时他脾气暴躁,焦虑不安。

    Sometimes dad was nice to us , but sometimes he was bad-tempered and nervy

  3. 不,我说,"我们很好。"导游让我很紧张。

    No , I said . " We 're fine . " Tour guides got on my nerves .

  4. 她以前对我们很好,但最近她对我们充满敌意。

    She was kind to us before , but recently she had a chip on her shoulder .

  5. 此酒味道非常不同几乎更像是糖浆而非葡萄酒这让我们很好的过渡到了我们的3种甜酒系列,这些葡萄酒将配以兰开夏奶酪和约翰爵士受欢迎的Eccles饼干。

    It was a quite different beast - almost more like a caramel syrup than a wine - a good bridge to our trio of sweet wines to be served with Lancashire cheese and St John 's popular Eccles cakes .

  6. 我想我们很好的应对了布莱克本的长传威胁。

    I thought we did well against Blackburn 's long-ball threat .

  7. 他待我们很好,就好象是对待她的亲兄弟一样。

    He treats us as if we were her own brothers .

  8. 如果别人对我们很好,那是因为我们友好。

    If anyone treats us nicely , it is because we are nice .

  9. 你当我们很好惹啊。

    You seem to think we can be played .

  10. 噢,不,我们很好,我们都很好。

    Oh , no , we 're fine . we 're all fine .

  11. 我们很好,我们会实现你们的愿望的。

    We are good . We 'll be able to become your hope true .

  12. 此时,我们很好地处理了客户端功能。

    At this point , we are pretty well along with the client-side functionality .

  13. 有一只失散的狗和我们很好。

    We were befriended by a stray dog .

  14. 农场主是好人,对我们很好。

    The farmer 's a good guy . he 's been good to us .

  15. 这里的老师待我们很好。

    The teachers here are good to us .

  16. 格林一家人待我们很好。

    The greens is very kind to us .

  17. 但是他们却没有给我们很好的服务。

    If it 's their opinion that he shouldn 't get treated too harshly .

  18. 这些男老师对我们很好。

    These men teachers are good with us .

  19. 在这里,只要时间容许,她们对我们很好。

    They are attentive to us here in the shelter as their busy schedules allow .

  20. 我喜欢这个论坛,因为(老大)对我们很好啊。

    I love this forum very much , because admin is very kind to us .

  21. 一个统一的框架或一条清晰的主线有助于我们很好的把握理论本身。

    In economic research , a basic analysis framework is helpful to understand the theory itself .

  22. 你能看出来的,我们很好,我曾经是童子军侦察员。

    You know what , I think we 'll be okay . I was a boy scout .

  23. 世界著名博物馆网站在这方面给了我们很好的启发。

    From the analysis and contrast of the world famous museum website , we got many illumination .

  24. 主的祷告开始与结束都是赞美,给我们很好的依循典藏。

    The Lord 's Prayer opens and closes with praise , giving you a good example to follow .

  25. 由于她的课很有趣,加上她对我们很好,现在我们都对英语很感兴趣。

    As her class is interesting and she is friendly to us , we 're interested in English now .

  26. 我们很好的应对了界外球、角球和长传的压力。

    We dealt with the pressure of the throws , the corners and the long balls forward reasonably well .

  27. 她很严厉,但是她对我们很好,很关心我们,所以我们也很喜欢她。

    She was strict , but she was very good for us , we are very concerned , we are also very fond of her .

  28. 我的观点是,如果我们很好的在现场管理他们,那么我们就不能得到投资的最大回报。

    From my point of view , if we don 't manage them well on site , we are not getting the most of our investment .

  29. 他们爱那儿,虽然那儿的人对我们很好,但是我还是迫不及待的想离开了。

    They love it here , but with all respect to the good people of Hawaii who 've been so good to us , I can 't wait to leave .

  30. 我们很好地处理了邮件应用程序的性能分析,并且在最近几年来,通过我们的服务器和工具开发帮助客户改进了性能。

    We have a good handle on mail application performance analysis and have helped customers over the last several years to improve their performance through our server and tool development work .