
  • 网络Our Song
  1. 在星星中唱着我们的歌,在月亮上跳着月球漫步。

    Sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon .

  2. «7月2日《我们的歌大家唱》在夜市开唱!

    We Sing Our Songs opens at our'night market'on2 Jul !

  3. 你甚至连我们的歌也不记得了

    You didn 't even remember our special song .

  4. 今年的《我们的歌大家唱》实在令人难以忘怀!

    This year 's We Sing Our Songs has been most memorable for us !

  5. 我当然记得爸爸这可是我们的歌

    Well , of course I remember , Dad . It 's our song .

  6. 后来就成了我们的歌

    It 's been our song ever since .

  7. 你听出了我们的歌吗亲爱的

    You recognise our song , my dear ?

  8. 我们的歌是发出嗓音的玻璃门。

    Our song is the slamming screen door .

  9. 高唱这首属于我们的歌。

    It belongs to you and me .

  10. 乐队会一直唱着我们的歌

    The band is playing our song again

  11. 但是我们的歌不分肤色。

    But our lyzzles be clizzle blizzle .

  12. 一些像我们的歌一样美好的事情

    That was as good as our song

  13. 因为这是我们的歌。

    Because that 's our song .

  14. 好吧,我们的歌是什么,我们怎么都没有

    Well , what 's our song ? We don 't have a song . All right .

  15. 他们在演奏我们的歌.-什么?这是我们的歌.-我听见你说的了.

    They 're playing our song . - What ? They 're playing our song . - I heard you .

  16. 敬请留意实践剧场接下来的精彩活动-“实践戏剧营”和“我们的歌大家唱”!

    Do look out for The Theatre Practice 's upcoming events – Practice Theatre Camp & We Sing Our Songs !

  17. 在让你回忆起前任的餐厅,举行一场女生聚会,举办一场即兴舞会来唱我们的歌,或者把你约会过的某个人遗忘在那场你永远不会再看的电影中。

    Have a girls ' night at the restaurant that reminds you of an ex , hold an impromptu dance party to our song or curl up with a date to that movie you thought you could never watch again .

  18. 在让你回忆起前任的餐厅,举行一场女生聚会,举办一场即兴舞会来唱“我们的歌”,或者把你约会过的某个人遗忘在那场你永远不会再看的电影中。

    Have a girls ' night at the restaurant that reminds you of an ex , hold an impromptu dance party to " our song " or curl up with a date to that movie you thought you could never watch again .

  19. 我们所有的歌都是三角写的,他简直是个天才。

    Triangle writes all our songs ' cause he 's a genius .

  20. 从今起,那是我们俩的歌

    From now on , that 'll be our song .

  21. 宣布将《心系乔治亚州》作为我们的州歌。

    Not only proclaim Georgia on my mind our official state song .

  22. 我们的主题歌哦会很劲爆的

    That 's our theme song . It 'll be a blast .

  23. 观众十分欣赏我们唱的歌。

    The audience was charmed by our songs .

  24. 那是我们儿时的歌。

    That 's the way our kids are .

  25. 那这周我们听的歌,坎托?

    So the songs we listened to this week , the ... the Canto ?

  26. 他在唱我们的班歌吗?

    Is he singing our class song ?

  27. 那首让我们相遇的歌

    The song that made us closer .

  28. 标点是我们作词的歌篇上的乐谱,它告诉我们何时休止,何时提高嗓门;

    Punctuation is the notation in the sheet music of our words , telling us when to rest , or when to raise our voices ;

  29. 家长和赞助人被迫观看了我们表演的指令歌、滑稽小品和舞蹈。

    We all performed action songs , sketches and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons

  30. 为什么要听我们不想要的歌!

    Why listen to a song that we don 't want !