
  1. 成为玉米是我的骄傲。

    I take pride in myself becoming a fan of chris .

  2. 你的骄傲便是我的骄傲,你的脆弱也是我的脆弱。

    Your pride is my pride , and susceptibilities are mine .

  3. 保持高姿态,是我的骄傲。

    A high muckamuck It is my pride that keeps me up .

  4. 蒙蒂死于我的骄傲与自大;

    Mote was killed by my hubris ad my pride .

  5. 我们的服务理念:您的成功,我的骄傲。

    Our service concept : your success , and I 'm proud .

  6. 年轻好看是我的骄傲。

    Young and good looking appearance are my pride .

  7. 能在此生认识你是我的骄傲,纳希尔。

    I am proud to have known you in this life , nasir .

  8. 头发曾是我的骄傲,我很懂怎么发挥魅力。

    I loved having hair , and I knew how to use it .

  9. 这张合辑是我的骄傲。

    This mix is my pride and joy .

  10. 若是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。

    I could easily forgive his pride , if he had not mortified mine .

  11. 你是特洛伊的王子,是我的骄傲。

    You are prince of troy . I know you 'll make me proud .

  12. 做你的朋友是我的骄傲!

    Proud to be your Friend !

  13. 我的骄傲就因为这样

    And it was my pride ...

  14. 并且,当服务变为庆祝,就不会有假我的骄傲。

    And when your service becomes celebration , there is no ego and pride in it .

  15. 他是我的骄傲。

    He was my pride .

  16. 米莉非常聪明,她是我的骄傲,现在我更觉得她不一般了。

    She is a very clever little girl . I was proud of her anyway but now she is even more special .

  17. 赖瑞:蒂娜是我的骄傲,也是我的喜悦。我想趁这个机会问她一个问题。

    Larry : Tina is my pride and joy . I would like to take this moment to ask her a question .

  18. “这倒是真话,”伊丽莎白回答道,“要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲。”

    " That is very true ," replied elizabeth ," and I could easily forgive his pride , if he had not mortified mine . "

  19. 在这里我们可以呼吸道足球,而我们将竭尽一切所能。执教国米是我的骄傲。

    You can breathe football here and we will try to do everything possible so we can do our best . I am proud to coach Inter .

  20. 我的骄傲告诉我要等,不是我的错,为什么我要道歉,如果我主动去道歉,他们就会一再这么对待我。

    My pride tells me to wait , that it wasn 't even my fault so why should I apologize and that if I reach out and apologize they will walk all over me again and again .

  21. 那一刻,我所有的骄傲都立刻变成了泡影。

    At that moment , all my pride turned into a bubbleimmediately .

  22. 哇我非常的骄傲

    Wow ! I was quite proud .

  23. 揭开我的面纱骄傲地看我的脸吧,呵,死亡,我的死亡。

    Raise my veil and look at my face proudly , O Death , my Death !

  24. 不过这可不是说这种话的场合,因为卡丽一直很为我的胡须骄傲。

    There was no occasion for that remark , for Carrie is very proud of my beard .

  25. 毕竟,心是我唯一的骄傲,也是一切事情,一切精力,一切幸福和所有不幸的唯一源泉。

    After all , my heart is my only pride , the sole source of everything , all vigour , all bliss and all misery .

  26. 我的叔叔总是骄傲有一位品德高尚的妻子。

    My uncle is always proud of having a virtuous wife .

  27. 我的姐姐犯有骄傲之罪。

    My sister is guilty of the sin of pride .

  28. 我有我的骄傲,凭什麽为了你去卑微自己!?

    I have my pride , with what to you go humble yourself !

  29. 我钦佩他们的骄傲,我称那为教养,胆量,智慧。

    I admire their pride . I call that breeding , nerve and wisdom .

  30. 我是祖国的骄傲!

    I 'm the pride of China !