
  • 网络I love you;noor-oh-tebbe
  1. 但我爱的是你斯特凡我知道你在担心

    But I love you , Stefan . I know that you 're worried about that .

  2. ALegendofLove“不,我爱的人是你!”如果爱不是自然而然地付出与获得,那它就不是爱,而只是一种交易。——

    If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions , it is not love , but a transaction . -

  3. 好吧,因为我爱的人是你,好吗?

    Aright , coz I love you , how about that .

  4. 只想想她阻止你的原因,因为她知道我爱的人是你。

    But just think the reason she stopped seeing you * Is because she beiieves that we 're in love .

  5. 而且她会答应,但我知道她爱的是你!

    And she is going to say " yes " but I know she really wants to be with you !

  6. 我爱的是过去的你,但我知道你不再想娶我了,

    I loved the man that you used to be , but I know that you do not wish to marry me any more .

  7. 好好照顾自己,永远记住,我这辈子最爱的是你,我只是忘了说出口。

    Take care of yourself and always remember that I loved you more than anything in life . I just forgot to tell you .

  8. 我爱这样的结局也许是你需要这个节目来证明自己也许这个节目需要你还有这段点评我太爱这段点评

    What I like about the fact is that maybe you need the show , maybe we need you.And that statement too , love that statement

  9. 我只是我了解我哥哥但我爱的是你斯特凡

    I just ... you know , I. .. I know my brother.But I love you , Stefan .

  10. 我发现了这个事实,我爱的人依然是你。

    I only then discovered to the present , I love the human still is you .

  11. 我知道他会带来怎样的困扰我爱的是你斯特凡是�

    I know the trouble he can cause . I love you , Stefan . You .

  12. 你是否知道我爱你,并非因为“你是谁”,而是我爱的那个人正好是你。

    Have you ever know that I love you not for whom you are , but the one who I love to be you at opportune moment .