
  • My Grandfather;My Grandpa
  1. 我的爷爷经常在包里带着折扇。

    My grandfather always takes a folding fan in his bag .

  2. 我的爷爷非常随和。

    My grandfather is very easy to get on with .

  3. 不,我的爷爷奶奶住在农。

    No , my grandma and grandpa live on a farm .

  4. 当然可以。他们是我的爷爷奶奶。

    Yes , of course . they 're my grandparents .

  5. 在左边的那个老男人是我的爷爷。

    The old man on the left is my grandpa .

  6. 在退休之后,我的爷爷开始从事园艺工作,作为他的兴趣爱好。

    After retirement , my grandpa took up gardening as a hobby .

  7. 我的爷爷奶奶总是睡得特别早。

    My grandparents always go to bed with the chickens .

  8. 我的爷爷很瘦,但他很很精神。

    My grandfather is very thin , but he was very spirit .

  9. 我的爷爷要把这些花送给我奶奶。

    My grandfather is going to give the flowers to my grandmother .

  10. 我的爷爷喜欢每天喝几杯茶。

    My grandfather likes to drink some cups of tea every morning .

  11. 我的爷爷奶奶不跟我住在一起。

    My grandpa is don 't live with me .

  12. 杰克:我的爷爷和奶奶明天会来看我们。

    Jack : My grandpa and grandma are coming to see us tomorrow .

  13. 他是谁?他是我的爷爷。

    Who 's he ? He 's my grandfather .

  14. 那个在门外等你的老人是我的爷爷。

    The old man who is waiting for you outside is my grandfather .

  15. 我的爷爷经常给我们讲他的故事。

    Grandfather used to tell me stories about him .

  16. 我的爷爷喜欢用算盘计算账户。

    My grandfather likes to use the_to calculate account .

  17. 我的爷爷很爱喝茶。

    My grandfather is a big fan of tea .

  18. 在树下的那个人是我的爷爷。

    The man under the tree is my grandfather .

  19. 我的爷爷的手正在采摘蔬菜。

    My grandpa 's hands are picking vegetables .

  20. 我的爷爷奶奶总是回忆他们在旧社会的痛苦生活。

    My grandparents often look back on their bitter life in the old society .

  21. 他们是我的爷爷、奶奶、父亲、母亲、哥哥和我。

    They are my grandmother , grandfather , father , mother , brother and I.

  22. 还有神秘的盒子,为纪念我的爷爷,仍然不会打开。

    And the mystery box , in honor of my grandfather , stays closed .

  23. 他们是我的爷爷和奶奶。

    They are my grandpa and grandma .

  24. 那位老人是我的爷爷。

    The old man is my grandfather .

  25. 我的爷爷奶奶对孩子很友好。

    My grandparents are friendly to kids .

  26. 我的爷爷奶奶住在农村。

    My grandparents live in the countryside .

  27. 我的爷爷常给我讲故事。

    My grandpa often tells me stories .

  28. 我的爷爷奶奶搬到了亚利桑那州,因为干旱的气候对他们的健康有益。

    My grandparents moved to Arizona because the arid climate is good for their health .

  29. 我的爷爷是一个农民。

    My grandpa is a farmer .

  30. 在中国时,我的爷爷教过我一些简单的数学和怎样使用算盘。

    In China , my grandfather taught me simple math and how to use an abacus .