
  • 网络My wing
  1. 我的翅膀是灰色与橙色和黑点。

    My wings are gray with an orange and black dot .

  2. 虽然我的翅膀折断,我的心仍然可以飞。

    Though my wings are broken , my heart can still fly .

  3. 嗨Smiley你压到我的翅膀了

    Hey , smiley , you 're on my wing .

  4. 不,我的翅膀差点断了。

    No , no , no. I nearly had my wings off .

  5. 伸展我的翅膀而我将飞向你

    Unfold my wings and I 'm flying to you

  6. 从我的翅膀上摇落下露珠,去唤醒

    From my wings are shaken the dews that waken

  7. 我的翅膀有点痛。

    Well , my wing does hurt a little .

  8. 我的翅膀疯狂地扑打着,圣杯却纹丝不动。

    My wings beat in a frenzy , but the Grail would not move .

  9. 从我的翅膀上摇落下露珠,去唤醒每一朵香甜的蓓蕾。

    From my wings are shaken the dews that waken The sweet buds every one .

  10. 擦抹我的翅膀。

    Shall brush my wing .

  11. 今日,你却夺去了我的翅膀,让我独自站在地面。

    But you rob me of my wings today and let me stand on the ground solely .

  12. 因为这正是我的翅膀。

    The wings are mine .

  13. 因为在他们小的时候,他们的父母对他们说:“快躲在我的翅膀下面,我将会保护你们一生”。

    Because when they were young , their parents told them : " stay under my wings , chicken , I 'll protect you for all your life " .

  14. 我的老翅膀没有以前好用了。

    These old wings ain 't what they used to be .

  15. 我破碎的翅膀仍然足够强壮去穿越大洋

    My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with

  16. 它是否会出现,点亮我黑暗的翅膀;

    Whether it would appear , light up my darkness of wings ;

  17. 干脆吃了我自己的翅膀。

    Justat my own damn wing off .

  18. 她抚摸着我的空姐翅膀徽章,接着说到:那就是你们的天使翅膀。

    Touching my flight attendant wings , she continued , And those are your angel wings .

  19. 我想要我的翅膀两面都光彩夺目。

    I want bothe sides of my wings to shine .

  20. 我要我的翅膀两面都光彩夺目。

    I want both sides of my wings to shine .

  21. 我的一只翅膀永远地留在了蛹里。

    One of my wings forever left in pupa .

  22. 拿我的叉子烤鸡翅膀?

    Use my fork to make barbecued chicken wing ?

  23. 我想他们的翅膀撞上了。其中有一个掉了下去。

    I think their wings bumped.One of them fell .

  24. 请帮我把它的翅膀涂成蓝色。

    Please help me colour the wings blue .

  25. 渐渐的。10年过去了。我们依然传递着爱情的讯息,而我送你的翅膀也变为了腐朽。

    Gradually.10 has been passing away , we have been transferring amatory information as before , but the wing that I give you has also been becoming to molder .

  26. 她走了以后,我展开了想象的翅膀。

    When she was gone I gave my fancy rein .

  27. 因为,那是我飞回大地的翅膀。

    That 's my wings flying back earth off chaining .

  28. 嗨,如果我能展开我的翅膀,我就能飞翔。

    Hey , if I just spread my wings I can fly .

  29. 来啊,给我的车装上翅膀。

    Come on , put wings on my car .

  30. 48.你给我的心安上了翅膀。

    48.You give my heart wings .