
  • 网络I know;all i know is;We both know;i know all
  1. 不不哪件都不好Elena,我都知道。

    Stefan : No. No , none of this is ok , Elena . I know that .

  2. 在学校,有个同学告诉Johnny大多数成年人至少隐藏了一个秘密,这使你很容易敲诈他们,你只要说,“我都知道了。”

    At school , Little Johnny was told by a classmate that most adults hide at least one dark secret and this makes it very easy to blackmail them merely by saying ," I know the whole truth . "

  3. 这些问题我都知道,不管怎样我还是嫁给了你。

    I married you for better or worse , knowing all about these problems .

  4. 但你和我都知道这是不可能的。

    But you and I both knowthat 's not gonna happen .

  5. 他尿裤子的事我都知道。

    I knew him back when he was messing his britches .

  6. 你我都知道他其实不是的。

    And you know as weii as I that he is not .

  7. 问自己,对这个主题我都知道些什么?

    Ask yourself , What do I already know about this subject ?

  8. 你我都知道这个问题。

    You know the question * just as I did .

  9. 算了吧!你我都知道你功课比我好。

    Come on ! We both know you 're a better student .

  10. 你我都知道这不尽不实。

    But we both know that 's not quite true .

  11. 甚至当你转开头来的时候我都知道你在想我。

    And even when you look away I know you think of me .

  12. 当然你和我都知道事实不是如此的。

    Of course , you and I know that 's not the truth .

  13. 这里发生什么事我都知道。

    Nothing goes on here that I don 't know or hear about .

  14. 但你我都知道,这只是拖延时间。

    But you and I know it 's just delaying what 's inevitable .

  15. 你我都知道它只会变得更糟。

    You and I know that it 's only going to get worse .

  16. 连我都知道,你现在应该进去了。

    Even I know you gotta go in there .

  17. 你和我都知道我得了a。

    You and I both know I got an a.

  18. 你和我都知道金钱万能。

    Vanessa : You know as well as I do that money talks .

  19. 你和我都知道陪审团不会让我被定罪。

    You and I both know the jury would still find me not guilty .

  20. 你和我都知道形势需要我们放弃协议。

    You and I both know that this situation requires us to abandon protocol .

  21. 你和我都知道是她做的。

    You know and I knowShe did this .

  22. 这些我都知道,我都懂

    I know this . I get it .

  23. 我都知道了你和阿曼达的父亲好过

    I know . I know you were in love with Amanda 's father .

  24. 你我都知道这不是真的

    We both know that 's not true .

  25. 没错所有的事我都知道

    That 's right . I know everything .

  26. 你我都知道你做不到

    We both know you can 't.

  27. 这些我都知道,但是我仍然找不到让你离开的理由

    Oh , this I know , but still I can 't find ways to let you go

  28. 这我都知道。

    I know all that .

  29. 因为我们父女是那么像,你做什么我都知道,不用问,真的。

    You 'll never let your old dad feel disappointed , because we are so much alike .

  30. 但现在我都知道,我能用这个修改记录,

    But now that it 's up here , I can use it to alter all the records .