
  • 网络The Last Dance;one last dance;Just one last dance
  1. 我还很期待跳最后一支舞呢。

    I was looking forward to one last dance .

  2. 在我们说再见之前,跳最后一支舞

    Just one last dance , before we say goodbye

  3. 双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一支舞。

    Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening .

  4. 她唱的是《把最后一支舞留给我》。

    " Save The Last Dance for Me " she sang .

  5. 但我们相信这不是我们最后一支舞。

    But we knew that this wasn 't our last dance .

  6. 我一直都是跳季末最后一支舞的。

    But I always do the last dance of the season .

  7. 所以亲爱的,请把最后一支舞留给我。

    So , darlin ' , save the last dance for me .

  8. 当我舞出最后一支舞的时候。

    When I dance left the last dance time .

  9. 这是我们在圣路易的最后一支舞。

    It 's our last dance in St louis .

  10. 我们抓住了这次机会,就像在跳最后一支舞一样。

    We took the chance , like we were dancing our last dance .

  11. 这会是我们最后一支舞吗?

    Could this be our last dance ?

  12. 最后一支舞再多一次机会最后一舞?

    Just one last dance , just one more chance , just one last dance .

  13. 最后一支舞。

    Just one last dance .

  14. 一首安妮·莫莉的歌开始响起;她唱的是《把最后一支舞留给我》。

    An Anne Murray song began to play . " Save The Last Dance for Me " she sang .

  15. 安妮莫莉依然在乞求跳最后一支舞,但乔治娅和我已经开始能够流畅地在舞池中起舞。

    While Anne Murray begged for the last dance , Georgia and I began to flow across the floor .

  16. 但最大的成就或许是,16年后,韦德能在他的退役之旅中—称为“最后一支舞”—和他最著名的舞伴再次共舞一曲。

    But perhaps the greatest accomplishment is that , after those 16 years , Wade 's retirement tour - deemed " one last dance " - can include another happy spin around the floor with his most famous dancing partner .

  17. 她把自己最后的一支舞给了爸爸。

    She gave her dad a last dance .