
  1. 不要骗我!

    You don 't fool me !

  2. 不要骗我,你是莱克斯路德。

    Don 't lie to me . you 're lex luthor .

  3. 昨晚在走廊是你吗,不要骗我。

    It was you in the corridor . don 't lie .

  4. 奶奶,你就不要骗我了。

    Grandma , you don 't lie to me .

  5. 简妮:不要骗我,本,求你,好吗?

    Janine : Do not lie to me , Ben . Please , okay ?

  6. 不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。

    Do not deceive me , you knew even if your lie I all can believe .

  7. 不行,不行,你不要骗我;我知道这件事不可能。

    No , no , you shall not deceive me . I know it to be impossible .

  8. 不要骗我。我看了你和你那些朋友们制作的小电影。

    Lily : Don 't lie to me . I saw that little home movie that you and your friends made .

  9. 我这个人很傻,你说的话我都会当真,所以请不要骗我。

    I 'm very silly , you say I will take it seriously , so please don 't tell a lie to me .

  10. 我不管你说什么,我不要跟骗我的人住在一起。(关电话)M:Yourroommateisarealsucker!

    I think it 's your roommate .

  11. 不要再骗我,你已丢够了我的脸。

    Don 't lie to me . You 've humiliated me enough .

  12. 不要企图骗我,我知道发生了什么事情。

    Don 't try to deceive me ; I know what really happened .

  13. 不要想花言巧语来骗我!

    Don 't trick me with twist of the devil 's tongue !