
  • 网络Don't Want to Sleep
  1. 他不想睡,也不想再乱拱了,他厌倦了再这么静静的傻站着,也厌倦了睡觉。

    He didn 't feel like going to sleep , he didn 't feel like digging , he was tired of standing12 still , tired of lying down .

  2. 我不想睡在他们想杀我的地方!

    I won 't sleep where they want to kill me !

  3. 我不想睡,玛丽,陪我坐一会儿。

    I 'm not sleepy , Marie ; stay with me .

  4. 甚至自己很累只要你不想睡就会陪你。

    Even their own tired if you Buxiangshui will accompany you .

  5. 为什么夜深了头痛难受但还不想睡?

    Why late at night have a headache afflictive but not dozy still ?

  6. 可是,爸爸,我还不想睡。

    But , daddy , I 'm not sleepy .

  7. 我们怎么就那么上瘾连觉都不想睡?

    How do we get so hooked that we are willing to sacrifice sleep ?

  8. 你就不想睡个懒觉

    You don 't want to sleep in ?

  9. 深夜了不想睡,仍然一个人熬着想法。

    Late at night has not felt sleepy , still a person was boiling the idea .

  10. 他们不想睡在大厅,所以开始上楼回房间。

    They didn 't want to sleep in the hall , so they began to walk up to their room .

  11. 我不想睡,妈妈,我回答她,但是模糊而甜美的幻想充满我的脑际,

    No , I won 't go to sleep , Mamma , I reply , though almost inaudibly , for pleasant dreams are filling all my soul .

  12. 有没有发现在晚上十点的时候你特别困,随后这股困劲过去了,在晚间新闻开始的时候你又一点都不想睡了?

    Ever find that you get really sleepy at 10 p.m. , that the sleepiness passes , and that by the time the late news comes on , you 're wide-awake ?

  13. 这个忧虑重重的妈妈不想吃也不想睡。

    The worrying mother didn 't feel like eating and sleeping .

  14. 如果您不介意,我想睡房车里。

    If you don 't mind , I will sleep in the caravan .

  15. 但是,日子一天天的过去,我却觉得待在那座公寓里越来越不舒服,后来我甚至不想睡在二楼了。

    However , as the days progressed my discomfort at staying in the apartment grew until I refused to sleep in the upstairs portion of the apartment .

  16. 我不想闭上我的眼睛,我不想睡去。

    I don 't wanna close my eyes , I don 't wanna fall asleep .