
  1. 不要碰我,你像粪一样发臭!

    You don 't touch me you stink like a shit !

  2. 喂!你不要碰我的自行车!

    Hey you . t get your hands off my bike !

  3. 你走开,不要碰我的电单车。

    Stay away from me . don 't touch my motorbike .

  4. 威利•旺卡:孩子,不要碰我的那个按钮。

    Willy Wonka : Little boy , don 't push my button .

  5. 我告诉过你不要碰我的食物!

    I told you not to touch my food !

  6. 不要碰我,当心我把你打倒在地。

    Keep your hands off me ; or I 'll knock you down .

  7. 不要碰我。你一碰,我就彻底完了。

    Humbert : Don 't touch me ; I 'll die if you touch me .

  8. 请不要碰我!

    Please don 't touch me !

  9. 不要碰我的桌子;

    Don 't touch my table ;

  10. 不要碰我的孩子!

    Get away from my babies !

  11. 不要碰我,不要来碰我!

    Don 't you touch me ! Don 't you lay a finger on me ! Stop it !

  12. 但是,我们大家都知道你是个笨手笨脚的人,所以,请你不要碰我的瓷器。

    But all of us know you are such a butterfingers , so please don 't touch my chinaware .

  13. 你以后不要再碰我。

    And you have to stop touching me .

  14. 不要,别碰我,你休想碰我!

    No ! Don 't you touch me ! Don 't you lay a finger on me !

  15. 不要碰那个花瓶!我说真的!(那个花瓶可能是传家之宝)

    Don 't touch that vase ! I mean it !

  16. 不要用手去碰我的巧克力

    My chocolate must be untouched by human hands .