
  • Juvenile delinquency;Bad Boys;stigmatized youth;hoodlum
  1. 不良少年晚上在街上闲逛。

    Teenage louts roam the streets at night .

  2. 暗恋亚纪的不良少年以为稔是她的男朋友,天天找他麻烦。

    Like the juvenile delinquent thought of having her boyfriend , everyday is bothering him .

  3. 他说不良少年应通过参加社区服务来将功折罪。

    He said that young hooligans should do community service as atonement for their crimes .

  4. 家庭、学校、社区/社会中存在的问题和贫困现象以及不良少年儿童群体都会导致少年儿童外出流浪、违法,这些原因是表面原因。

    Although the problems exist in families , schools and society all would lead children to vagrancy and delinquency , these are superficial reasons .

  5. 16岁的时候,裤腰下落到臀部以下,年轻人为了模仿饶舌歌手和不良少年,让牛仔裤的裤裆部分下垂到膝盖那,而上面露出几寸内裤出来。

    They plummet to below the hips at the age of16 as young men imitate rappers and gangsters by letting the crotch of their jeans dangle around their knees , with several inches of underpant on show .

  6. 因此,笔者建议划定少年刑事政策圈,完善或设计适合于严重不良行为少年需要的处置措施,将其纳入刑事法治的视野,并界定少年刑事法律调整的对象为严重不良行为和少年犯罪行为。

    Therefore , the author suggests delimiting the juvenile criminal policy circle , perfecting or designing suitable disposal measures for serious misconduct juvenile . The author also advises we to bring it into the criminal rule , and the object of juvenile criminal law is serious misconduct and juvenile delinquency .

  7. 网络世界里的不良信息影响着少年儿童的健康成长。

    The bad information in the network world influenced children ' healthy population .