
  • 网络Hope Angel;angel of hope;Wish Angel
  1. 我们希望天使牌油墨将为世界印刷事业作出贡献。

    We hope Angel Brand Printing Ink will be contributive to the world printing trade .

  2. 我希望天使能够陪伴我,因此我不感到孤独和悲伤。

    I wish the Angel toaccompany me , so I don 't feel alone and sad .

  3. 神希望天使将律法传给犹太人,但至少他们在神和摩西之间,加了天使。

    God wanted the angels to deliver the law through Jews , but at least they put , between God and Moses , angels .

  4. 莪希望囿天使降临。

    I hope that the angel are coming .

  5. 让你自由的走,我希望我像天使一样,哭过就能释放。

    To let you go free , I wish I was like an angel , cry can release .