
  • 网络The Sun Will Rise
  1. 在Linux中,如果您希望无限期等待进程被杀死,则可以使用waitpid()。

    You can use waitpid () in Linux if you want to just wait infinitely for the process to die .

  2. 生活因为希望的无限而更加美好。

    Life becomes more beautiful thanks to the limitlessness of hope .

  3. 愿你坚信你的未来充满了希望与无限的可能性。

    May you believe your future is filled with promise and possibilities .

  4. 在那些日子里有一种强烈的希望和无限的信心,即战争都结束了,国家联盟将会变得全能。

    In those days there were high hopes and unbounded confidence that the wars were over and that the League of Nations would become all-powerful .

  5. 我们很少敢跃入到拥有我们崇高的目标。但是,如果我们希望拥有无限的完全的自由,我们必须要“敢”。

    Rarely do we dare take the leap into having our most lofty goals . But , DARE we must , if we ever wish to be completely free and without limits .

  6. 它类似山地蓝知更鸟,带有一点蜂鸟的影子,它的嘴和身子伸向天空,用鲍曼的话说,是自由、希望和无限可能性的终极体现。

    Resembling a mountain bluebird with a dash of hummingbird thrown in , the Twitter bird has a beak and body that point toward the sky in what Bowman called the ultimate representation of freedom , hope and limitless possibility .

  7. 我们再次接受到希望、爱与无限可能的祝福。

    Once again we are blessed with the feelings of hope , love , and an abundance of possibilities .

  8. 随着网络技术与移动通信技术的飞速发展,人们希望能够随时随地查看无限的计算机网络资源,从而需要将网络与移动通信技术融合起来。

    Due to the rapid development of Internet technology and mobile communication technology , people want to be able to access to the Internet of unlimited resources at anytime , anywhere , the blend has become a necessity .