
  • 网络The Journey Of Hope;Reise der Hoffnung
  1. 总统的女儿詹娜?布什正在开始她的全国巡回售书(活动),以支持自己的新书《安娜的故事:希望之旅》。

    Presidential daughter Jenna Bush is kicking off a national book tour in support of her new book " ana 's story : a journey of hope " .

  2. 对于投资者来说,希望之旅开始于20世纪80年代,那时全球的通货膨胀都得以控制。

    For investors , the hopeful journey started in the1980s as inflation came under control around the world .

  3. “我希望此次朝鲜之旅至少,能够建立起一个合作框架,进而逐渐发展,推进。”埃尔巴拉迪在谈论朝鲜无核化问题时说道。

    " I 'd like this trip at least to establish the framework and then gradually move forward ," he said of the DPRK 's denuclearization .

  4. 希望你的中国之旅愉快。

    I hope your visit to China is very enjoyable .

  5. 这是我的荣幸,我希望您的北京之旅愉快!

    My pleasure , I hope your visit to Beijing is very enjoyable !

  6. 火箭希望接下来的客场之旅能一帆风顺。

    The Rockets are hoping the rest of the trip goes just as well .

  7. F:这是我的荣幸,我希望您的北京之旅愉快!

    F : My pleasure , I hope your visit to Beijing is very enjoyable !