
  • 网络hilde;Shield;Amber Heard
  1. 希尔德一心想当董事。

    Sheard lusted after the Directorship .

  2. 看涨者:海纳国际集团(SusquehannaFinancialGroup)高级分析师大卫•希尔德

    The bull : David hilder , senior analyst , Susquehanna financial group

  3. 太阳没有选择像克里斯-邓恩、巴迪-希尔德这种已经做好来NBA准备的球员,而是打算做长期投资。

    The Suns passed on more NBA-ready players like Kris Dunn and Buddy Hield in favor of long-term projects .

  4. 今年九月,苹果(Apple)付给福德希尔德安萨社区学院(Foothill-DeAnzaCommunityCollegeDistrict)100万美元,在那里举办苹果智能手表的发布活动。

    Apple reportedly paid $ 1 million to the Foothill-De Anza Community College District where it held an event to announce its Watch in September .

  5. 1915年12月,他收到了在战场前线服役的德国天体物理学家卡尔·施瓦茨希尔德(KarlSchwarzschild)发来的电报。施瓦茨希尔德解开了爱因斯坦用来描述一个孤星周围的引力场的方程。

    In December 1915 , he received a telegram from Karl Schwarzschild , a German astrophysicist serving at the front in the war , who had solved Einstein 's equation to describe the gravitational field around a solitary star .

  6. 弗拉德-迪瓦茨令人尴尬的新闻发布会,VivekRanadive对巴迪-希尔德的兴趣被透露,以及未能换回选秀权的多余球员。

    the truly embarrassing press conference from Vlade Divac , the leaks of Vivek Ranadive 's lust for Buddy Hield , and the failure to sell off a host of spare veteran roster parts that theoretically could have been turned into picks .

  7. 希尔德表示,一个更快捷的办法是改革移民政策。

    A shortcut cure would be immigration reform , sheard says .

  8. 2009年,希尔德与德普在《朗姆酒日记》的拍摄过程中相识。

    Heard and Depp had met in 2009 , while filming The Rum Diaries .

  9. 艾梅柏•希尔德和约翰尼•德普

    Amber Heard and Johnny Depp

  10. 我常想,要是耶稣基督能象路特希尔德④那样阔气,他会做出多少好事!

    I picture myself Jesus Christ with Rothschild 's fortune ! How much good he would do !

  11. 目测布朗时代最高顺位的新秀就是巴迪-希尔德了,这可不理想。

    It looks like their highest Brow-era pick will be Buddy Hield . That 's not optimal .

  12. 2012年在开始拍摄电影《莱姆酒日记》时,德普开始和艾梅柏•希尔德约会。

    Then in 2012 Johnny met and began dating Amber Heard on set of The Rum Diary .

  13. 贝诺希尔德单层烘燥机谈复合孕育高锰灰铸铁在烘缸生产中的应用

    Beno-Shilde drying machine On the Application of Complex Gestated Permanganic Gray Cast Iron in Production of Bake Vat

  14. 希尔德表示,明智的移民政策将放松对托幼机构的劳动力限制,为职场女性创造更多便利条件。

    Sheard says a smart immigration policy would ease labor restrictions over childcare facilities , helping to make it easier for working women .

  15. 野生的罗特希尔德长颈鹿通常生活在非洲东部的矮灌木丛中和草原上。在那里,身高的优势和极好的视力能让它们尽早发现天敌。

    They live in lightly wooded bush and grassland in eastern Africa where their height and excellent vision help them to spot predators .

  16. 2016年5月,30岁的希尔德宣布和52岁的好莱坞巨星丈夫德普离婚。

    Thirty-year-old Heard filed for divorce in May 2016 , after just over a year of marriage to her Hollywood superstar husband , 52 .

  17. 在之前的交易中,鹈鹕将2016年的首轮秀巴迪-希尔德与2017年的首轮选秀权(前3保护)一起打包送到国王了。

    They sent 2016 first-round pick Buddy Hield to Sacramento in the Cousins trade as well as their 2017 first-round pick ( top-three protected ) .

  18. 约翰尼·德普和艾梅柏·希尔德终于结束了这场腥风血雨的离婚战,他们达成离婚协议,希尔德将获得700万美元的赡养费并撤回诉讼。

    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have ended their acrimonious divorce battle , reaching a settlement for Heard to receive $ 7 million and drop her case .

  19. 我毫不动摇,随后发生的一件事终于令巨大的障碍轰然倒地——我听说了拉根希尔德·卡塔的故事。

    But I persisted , and an accident soon occurred which resulted in the breaking down of this great barrier - I heard the story of Ragnhild Kaata .

  20. 那以后,西格德解脱了对瓦尔基里,布琳希尔德的禁制。据太阳神话,瓦尔基里布琳希尔德是春天之神,寒冷的地球正需要她。

    After that Sigurd went to free the Valkyrie brynhild , according to the solar myth the maiden of spring , for whom the cold earth is longing .

  21. 这位49岁的老将是《爱乐之城》中的一些最大明星的代理人,包括贾斯汀比伯,艾梅柏希尔德,西蒙考威尔,麦莉赛勒斯以及詹妮弗洛佩兹。

    The 49-year-old is the agent to some of the biggest stars in La La Land including Justin Bieber , Amber Heard , Simon Cowell , Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Lopez .

  22. 约翰尼本周来到纽约为他的新片《朗姆酒日记》做宣传,并与片中演员艾梅柏·希尔德一同出席了昨晚的电影首映式。

    Johnny has been in the Big Apple this week promoting his movie The Rum Diary and joined his costar Amber Heard to debut the film in the city last night .

  23. 提名:扬尼斯-阿德托昆博,马尔科姆-布罗格登,杰伦-布朗,约翰-柯林斯,蒙特利兹-哈雷尔,托比亚斯-哈里斯,巴迪-希尔德,扎克-拉文,德里克-罗斯。

    Others receiving votes : Giannis Antetokounmpo , Malcolm Brogdon , Jaylen Brown , John Collins , Montrezl Harrell , Tobias Harris , Buddy Hield , Zach LaVine and Derrick Rose .

  24. 德普和希尔德二人于2011年共同出演《莱姆酒日记》时结缘,当时德普已经和法国女演员凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝恋爱多年。

    Depp and Heard met when they co-starred in the 2011 film The Rum Diary , and while Depp was still in a long relationship with the French actor , Vanessa Paradis .

  25. 巴迪-希尔德在新奥尔良已被弃用(单场17次投篮),他也是人们批评安东尼-戴维斯的帮手不给力的一部分原因。

    Buddy Hield has been chucking away in New Orleans ( 17 shots a game ! ) but he 's part of the reason why everyone is criticizing Anthony Davis 's supporting cast .

  26. 随后,希尔德公开承认自己的海关报关单填写有误,以此博得一家澳大利亚地方法院撤消了对其非法进口动物的指控。若这项罪名成立,最高可判处10年监禁。

    Heard admitted making a false customs declaration , in exchange for which an Australian magistrate dropped charges against her of illegally importing animals , which carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment .

  27. 德普的第二任妻子艾梅柏•希尔德本周早些时候提出离婚的消息已经传开,借此机会,我们跟着《每日邮报》从独特的视角来回顾这位影坛偶像和明星美女们的恋爱史。

    Amid news of the star 's second wife Amber Heard filing for divorce earlier this week , Daily Mail Online offers a unique look back at the film icon 's history of celebrity relationships .

  28. 法院的法官伯纳黛特·卡拉翰表示,这段视频给“国家带来的好处”远比判希尔德的罪来得大得多。

    Bernadette Callaghan , the magistrate , said at the time that the video was " of far more benefit to this country " as a warning to others than a any conviction of Heard .

  29. 希尔德曾于几日前携带两只宠物狗进入澳大利亚,违反了当地的生物安全管理条例,夫妇二人因此事与澳大利亚副总理兼农业部长巴纳比·乔伊斯打起了口水仗,登上了新闻头条。

    Depp and Heard recently hit the headlines for a bizarre spat with Australian deputy prime minister and minister for agriculture Barnaby Joyce , after Heard fell foul of biosecurity rules for unlawfully bringing the pair 's dogs into the country .

  30. 有消息称德普分给希尔德的财产可能会高达3500万英镑,希尔德也一度被德普的一些支持者骂作拜金女。最后希尔德将全部离婚所得捐给了一家防家暴慈善机构和一所儿童医院。

    Along some sources suggested that their payout could be as high as £ 35 million , and Heard - accused of golddigging by some of Depp 's defenders - donated the whole lot to a domestic abuse prevention charity and a children 's hospital .