
  • 网络The Line of Beauty
  1. 他的第四部小说《美丽曲线》在2004年获得了布克奖,这是布克奖自设立36年来首次把该奖项颁给反映同性恋生活的小说。

    The Line of Beauty , his forth novel , won the Booker Prize in 2004 . It is the first time that a gay-themed novel ever won the Booker Prize in its 36 years history .

  2. 游离于美丽世界的边缘人&论《美丽曲线》中尼克的身份焦虑和认同危机

    A Wanderer beside the " Beauty World " & Analysis on Nick 's Identity Anxiety and Identity Crisis in The Line of Beauty

  3. 尽管存在批评和怀疑,《美丽曲线》还是因为它的语言、风格和题材赢得了赞美。

    Even though it meets with some criticism and doubt , it wins back much applause and praise for the language , style and theme .

  4. 这位因出演《摩登家庭》而出名的明星绝对是海妖般的迷人存在。她知道如何用服装来衬托自己美丽的曲线。

    The " Modern Family " star is a true siren - she knows how to dress for her curves .

  5. 尽情地去选择你的“点”吧,你要坚信有一天你会发现自己的使命,并用这些“点”勾勒出一条美丽的曲线。

    Enjoy picking your dots , and be assured one day you will find your calling , and connect a beautiful curve through the dots .