
  • 网络pga;PGA Tour
  1. 斯福德职业生涯中的亮点包括5次乔治亚大学全国黑人公开赛的冠军以及之后他赢得第一个美巡赛(PGATour)。

    Sifford 's career highlights include winning the UGA National Negro open five times prior to winning his first PGA Tour .

  2. 网球频道将直播最主要的美巡赛赛事。

    CCTV Golf & Tennis Channel will broadcast the major PGA Tour events .

  3. 美巡赛揭幕六月16日在萨克拉门托。

    The tour kicks off on June16th in Sacramento .

  4. 在这里我要感谢美巡赛,感谢主席提姆---芬臣和选手们在我需要时间去处理我个人问题时所给予我的耐心和谅解。

    I want to thank the PGA Tour , Commissioner Finchem and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life .

  5. 我想感谢美巡赛专员芬臣和球员,感谢他们这段时间的耐心和理解。

    I want to thank the PGA TOUR , Commissioner Finchem , and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life .

  6. 美巡赛竞赛部副总裁安迪-帕泽德尔说,这是提供不参赛特权的第一年,仅仅只有半打选手使用这项权利。

    According to Andy Pazder , the Tour 's senior vice president of tournament administration , this is the first year of the opt out provision and only about " a half dozen " players have used it .