
  • 网络Drug Test;drug testing
  1. EgoEffect的一个良好特征,是不管评审者要对所有的代码变更负责,还是仅仅执行“点检查”,就像随机性的药物测试一样,都能正常地发挥作用。

    A nice characteristic of The Ego Effect is that it works equally well whether reviews are mandatory for all code changes or used just as " spot checks ," like a random drug test .

  2. 她承认在九月份的药物测试中出现问题,而且违反了自己的缓刑规定。

    She admitted to failing drug test back in September and violating her prohibition .

  3. 3D打印出的人造器官还能让科学家制造出更准确的人体组织模型,用于药物测试。

    The 3D structures will also enable scientists to create more accurate human tissue models for drug testing .

  4. 在不久的未来,这种3D打印技术可以用来制造类活组织物质,作为药物测试的样品。

    In the more immediate future it could be used to generate biopsy-like tissue samples for drug testing .

  5. CIA被命令停止所有的药物测试。

    The CIA was ordered to cease all drug testing .

  6. 这种无病毒的iPSC来源地心肌细胞可以用于治疗心律不齐或其他心脏疾病的药物测试。

    Virus-free , iPSC-derived cardiac cells could be used in laboratories to test drugs that treat arrhythmia and other conditions .

  7. 自去年夏天以来,林恩·格默尔(LynnGemmell)的狗贝拉(Bela)就成为遛狗公园的常客密切关注的对象。当时贝拉开始接受一项药物测试,这种药物显示可以大大延长实验室小鼠的寿命。

    Ever since last summer , when Lynn Gemmell 's dog , Bela , was inducted into the trial of a drug that has been shown to significantly lengthen the lives of laboratory mice , she has been the object of intense scrutiny among dog park regulars .

  8. 2名被埃博拉感染的美国传教士接受了这样的药物测试。

    Two American missionaries with Ebola got treated with one such drug .

  9. 即使无害的物质在药物测试中有时也会呈阳性。

    Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test .

  10. 面对这种新的威胁,国际奥委会随即引进严格的药物测试步骤来回应。

    The International Olympic Committee responded to this new threat by introducing stringent drug-testing procedures .

  11. 这就是为什么唾液药物测试可以非常有益的父母的青少年。

    This is why the saliva drug test can be so useful for parents of teenagers .

  12. 在报告中,前队友承认服用禁药并且混过药物测试。

    In the report , former teammates admitted to doping and ways of beating drug tests .

  13. 他认为标准化测试有他的应用环境,但是测试更应该像药物测试。

    He thought that testing had its place , but testing should be more like medical tests .

  14. 否则,你的问题听起来就好像“我通不过药物测试。”所以不要问这个问题。

    Otherwise , your question sounds like ," I 'd fail a drug test ," so don 't ask .

  15. 这是许多药物测试的标准流程,这样研究人员才能比较病人的结果,并确定治疗是否是有效而无害的。

    That is a standard procedure in many trials so that researchers can compare patient outcomes and determine whether the treatment was effective and not harmful .

  16. 谈判代表们将不得不妥善拟定文本,在避免强加相同偏好的前提下,使监管程序的协调成为可能,比如说针对药物测试。

    The negotiators will have to devise a text that allows co-ordination of regulatory procedures & over drug testing , say , without imposing identical preferences .

  17. 不论是学术上的,还是运动方面的课余活动,她都不被允许加入,因为她的父母拒绝让她接受药物测试。

    She was forbidden to do any extracurricular activities , athletic or academic , because her parents refused to consent to her taking a drug test .

  18. 学校被起诉后就对这项制度做了些微调整,只对那些参加体育活动或开车的学生进行药物测试。

    After the suit was filed , the school changed its policy to mandate drug testing only for students participating in athletic activities or who could drive .

  19. 即使你从根本上反对药物测试,也要等到他们要求你做药物测试的时候再告诉他们你的反感。

    If you have a philosophical objection to drug tests , wait until they ask you to take a drug test and tell them about your objection .

  20. 仅在上周,在他所谓的努力,使和平与他的前妻,迈克尔没有放下家事法庭,以绳索与药物测试。

    Only last week , in what he called an effort to make the peace with his ex-wife , did Michael drop a family court bid to have Dina drug tested .

  21. 只有当该机构检验了药物测试的数据并认为它具有良好的治疗效果而没有严重的副作用,这种药物才被允许制造和销售。

    Only once this authority has reviewed the data on the drug and agreed that it offers therapeutic benefit without serious side effects is the drug approved for manufacture and sale .

  22. 除了针对干细胞的研究,其还进行作用于端粒酶的抗癌药物测试以及针对染色体末端帽子的研究(这部分控制细胞老化)。

    Besides working on stem cells , it is testing drugs for cancer that influence telomeres , the caps on the ends of chromosomes that help control the aging of cells .

  23. 这个女孩的数学很好,曾受到学校“数算团队”的邀请,但最终因未接受学校的药物测试而被该团体拒之门外。

    The girl was a top math student who 'd been invited to compete on the school 's MathCounts Team , but she couldn 't join without doing a drug test .

  24. 国际足联虽已同意遵循世界反兴奋剂机构的核查方式,但国际足联仍坚持要求对在违禁药物测试中呈阳性的运动员进行具体案例分析。

    Although FIFA has agreed to follow the WADA 's procedures , they insisted that punishment handed out to plays following positive test for banned substances should depend on each individual case .

  25. 他后来又透露实情是他为了避免公司的药物测试而叫一位朋友朝他开枪射击。

    He later revealed that he 'd asked a friend to shoot him so he wouldn 't have to take a drug test at the office . ( Source : MSNBC . com )

  26. 作为在中国市场销售额最大的外资餐厅运营商,百胜餐饮昨日发起攻势,试图局限上述丑闻所带来的损害。该集团宣布将加强对供应商的监督,并扩大药物测试。

    Yesterday , Yum , the biggest foreign restaurateur in China by sales , went on the offensive to try to limit damage from the scandal , announcing that it would strengthen oversight of its suppliers and expand drug testing .

  27. 另外,伯格公司还认为,它的人工智能平台可以根据病人的特异性制定专门针对个别患者的治疗方案,从而将掀起一场药物测试的革命,并显著降低药物的负面作用在临床实验和医疗实践中的风险。

    Additionally , Berg thinks his company 's artificial intelligence platform can also revolutionize drug testing by creating individualized patient-specific treatment options , which he believes will ultimately reduce the risk of adverse drug interactions in clinical trials and hospitals by a significant degree .

  28. 百时美施贵宝公司(Bristol-MyersSquibbCo.)正在进行几种CGRP拮抗药的早期研究,其它公司也在对类似药物进行测试或者准备开始进行开发。

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. is conducting several early stage studies on CGRP antagonists and other companies are testing or may begin development of similar compounds as well .

  29. 对于这类基于生物抗体的方法的研究处于早期,还未达到拮抗药物的测试阶段,但是抗体也许最终能够规律性地阻止CGRP的活动,使偏头痛无从发作。

    Research into these biologic antibody-based approaches is at an earlier stage than the testing of antagonist drugs , but antibodies eventually might be able to block CGRP action regularly so that migraines don 't ever begin .

  30. “要做(药物)测试,我们就必需要有癌细胞培养。”AruNarendran,一名卡尔加里大学的医生和研究员表示。

    " To do ( drug ) tests we need to have cancer cells in cultures ," said Aru Narendran , a physician and researcher at the University of Calgary .