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  1. 孕妇使用选择性5-羟色氨重吸收抑制剂与新生儿停药综合征的关系:数据库资料分析

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnant women and neonatal withdrawal syndrome : A database analysis

  2. 而停药综合征(1.2%)及药物之间的相互作用(6.3%)则很少影响医生的用药选择。

    While the discontinuation syndrome ( 1.2 % ) and drug-drug interaction ( 6.3 % ) seldom influenced the choice of drug .

  3. 结果:42例撤药综合征以头晕、恶心、呕吐、头痛、感觉异常、心情低落、失眠、焦虑、激越等症状为主。

    Results : The main symptoms of SSRI discontinuation syndrome were dizziness , nausea , vomiting , headache , abnormal sensation , depressed mood , insomnia , anxiety , and agitation .

  4. 自从1960年首次报道抗精神病药恶性综合征(NMS)后,大量的临床案例已使人们对于NMS的发病机制、临床表现和治疗有了较深的了解。

    Since the initial report of neuroleptic malignant syndrome ( NMS ) in1960 , lots of clinical data have been accumulated on the pathogenesis , manifestations and treatment of NMS .

  5. 这些始发症状可与其他的心脏和非心脏原因引起的疾病症状相叠加,包括可由抗精神病药物引起的抗精神病药恶性综合征。

    These initial symptoms can overlap considerably with those of other cardiac and non-cardiac conditions , including neuroleptic malignant syndrome ( NMS ), which may itself be caused by antipsychotics .

  6. 中医药治疗Tourette综合征8例

    Cases of TOURETTE Syndrome Treated With TCM

  7. 方法:用化痰祛瘀法,自拟方药治疗代谢综合征32例,观察空腹血糖(FPG)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度胆固醇(HDL-C)以及血压水平的变化。

    Methods : 32 patients of metabolic syndrome were treated with the dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis method , and observed the effect on fasting plasma glucose ( FPG ), triglycerides ( TG ), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-C ) and blood pressure .

  8. 因此,中医药治疗绝经综合征就具有相当的优势。

    Therefore , traditional Chinese medicine has considerable advantages on treatment of MPS .

  9. 中医药治疗更年期综合征文献系统评价

    Evaluation of TCM in Treating Climacteric Syndrome

  10. 益气养阴祛瘀药对干燥综合征患者性激素水平影响的研究

    Influence of Medicine of Notifying Qi to Nourish Yin and Remove Stasis on Sexual Hormone of Dry Syndrome

  11. 绝经妇女激素替代治疗的困境与中医药治疗更年期综合征的前景

    Puzzle of hormone replacement therapy and prospect of the role of traditional Chinese medicine in treating postmenopausal syndrome

  12. 说明该方药治疗绝经期综合征(肾虚肝郁型)临床疗效佳。

    This proved that the formula showed remarkable clinical effectiveness in treating the climacteric syndrome of the deficiency of kidney-yin and stagnation of liver type .

  13. 降糖药联合行为干预治疗非典型抗精神病药所致代谢综合征的研究

    Efficacy of behavioral intervention therapy and metformin in the treatment of atypical antipsychotics-induced metabolic syndrome