
  • 网络pharmacokinetics study;Pharmacokinetic study;pharmacokinetics research
  1. 毛细管电泳-微透析技术原位、活体、实时药物测定及药代动力学研究体液中药物测定方法的研究Ⅰ.中期妊娠引产药利凡诺的荧光分光光度法

    The Application of Microdialysis Combination of Capillary Method in Drug Analysis and Pharmacokinetics Study

  2. 重组纤维连接蛋白氨基端肝素结合域多肽的制备和在大鼠体内的药代动力学研究

    The Preparation of Recombinant N-terminal Heparin-binding Domain Polypeptide of Fibronectin and the Pharmacokinetics Study in Rat

  3. 活性炭吸附丝裂霉素C腹腔化疗的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of intraperitoneal chemotherapy with mitomycin C bound to activated carbon particles

  4. HPLC法检测人血浆中喷昔洛韦浓度及其药代动力学研究

    HPLC determination of penciclovir in human plasma and its pharmacokinetic study

  5. 测定人血浆中吗啡浓度的GC-MS法及其在药代动力学研究中的应用

    Methodology for determination of morphine in human serum by GC-MS

  6. 盐酸美金刚胶囊人体药代动力学研究HPLC测定小金胶囊中乌头碱的含量

    Pharmacokinetics of memantine hydrochloride capsule in Chinese healthy volunteers HPLC assaying of aconitine in Xiaojin capsules

  7. RP-HPLC法测定大鼠血浆的普鲁托品浓度及其药代动力学研究

    RP-HPLC method for determination of protopine in plasma and pharmacokinetics in rats

  8. 间接门静脉灌注5-Fu的药代动力学研究

    Study of Pharmacokinetics of 5-Fluorouracil on Indirect Portal Vein Perfusion

  9. ~(99m)Tc-新半乳糖白蛋白在人体内的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic Studies on ~ ( 99m ) Tc-NGA in Human

  10. 聚乙二醇修饰干扰素α2b的体内药代动力学研究

    Study on the Pharmacokinetic of PEG-IFN α 2b in vivo

  11. LC-MS法测定Beagle犬血浆中人参皂苷20(R)-Rh2及其药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of ginsenoside 20 ( R ) - Rh_2 in Beagle dogs by LC-ESI-MS

  12. 甲氧苄胺嘧啶(TMP)在奶山羊体内药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of trimethoprim ( tmp ) in milk goats

  13. 实验二丹参注射液中丹参素在家兔体内的药代动力学研究:健康大耳白兔8只,肌肉注射丹参注射液2ml/kg。

    Healthy rabbits were intramuscularly injected the injection of radix salviae miltiorrhizae with 2ml / kg .

  14. 兔蛛网膜下腔注射布比卡因PLGA微球药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of intrathecally injected bupivacaine PLGA microspheres in rabbits

  15. 龙胆苦苷在Beagle犬体内药代动力学研究

    A Study on Pharmacokinetics Studies of Gentiopicroside in Beagle Dogs

  16. 人参次苷G中总皂苷的测定及人参皂苷C-K的药代动力学研究

    Studies on Determination of Total Ginsenosides in Panax Ginseng Saponin G and Pharmacokinetics of C-K

  17. 万古霉素在MRSA老年下呼吸道感染患者体内的药代动力学研究

    The pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in the elderly patients with MRSA infected lower respiratory tract

  18. 结论:RP-HPLC荧光法测定人血浆中维生素E的浓度,灵敏度高,适用于维生素E血浓度测定及其药代动力学研究。

    CONCLUSION : The Vitamin E concentration in human plasma by RP-HPLC fluorescence measure , which is a method with high sensitivity , simple and feasibility .

  19. 白藜芦醇苷在Beagle犬体内的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of polydatin in Beagle dogs

  20. 卡托普利延迟起释型缓释片的研制、质量控制及其在Beagle犬内药代动力学研究

    Preparation 、 Quality Control and Pharmacokinetics in Beagle Dogs of Captopril Delayed-onset , Sustained Release Tablet

  21. 参麦注射液中人参皂苷Rg1和Re药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of ginsenosides Rg_1 and Re in Shenmai injection

  22. 兔眼后Tenon囊下注射曲安奈德的眼内药代动力学研究

    Intraocular Pharmacokinetic Following Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide Via Posterior Sub-tenon in Rabbit Eyes

  23. ~(99m)锝标记肝癌单克隆抗体HAb18及片段F(ab′)2在小鼠体内的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of technetium-99m labeled anti-hepatoma monoclonal antibody HAb18 and it 's F ( ab ′) _2 fragment in mice

  24. 药代动力学研究:间质化疗与全身化疗相比较,药物代谢的半衰期显著延长,曲线下面积增加,峰浓度提高,两者相比,结果具有统计学差异,P值均小于0.01。

    Pharmacokinetic study : Interstitial chemotherapy has longer half time , larger area under the curve , higher peak concentration compared with systematic chemotherapy . There were statistical differences of these three pharmacokinetic parameters between the two groups .

  25. 重组白细胞介素-2(rIL-2)的免疫放射分析及人体药代动力学研究

    Immunoradiometric Assay and Pharmacokinetics Analysis For Recombinant Interleukin-2

  26. 重组葡激酶(r-Sak)在家兔体内的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic studies of recombinant staphylokinase ( r-sak ) in rabbits

  27. ~(99m)Tc-BM的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics Studies of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-BM

  28. 建立了用酶法测定血浆中1,6二磷酸果糖(FDP)的方法,为含1,6二磷酸果糖制剂的药代动力学研究提供基础。

    An enzymatic method for the determination of fructose _ 1,6 diphosphate ( FDP ) in plasma was established in order to study its pharmacokinetics .

  29. FBI法的线性、线性范围、定量下限、准确度、特异性符合药代动力学研究,日间变异系数大于20%。

    The linear range , sensitivity , specificity , intra-assay precision , and accuracy of FBI method were satisfied , but coefficient of variation of inter-assay precision was over 20 % .

  30. 目的:建立测定人参皂苷20(R)-Rh2血浆药物浓度的液相色谱-电喷雾离子化-质谱联用的分析方法(LC-ESI-MS),探讨其在Beagle犬体内的药代动力学研究中的应用。

    AIM : To establish an LC-ESI-MS method for determination of ginsenoside 20 ( R ) - Rh_2 and investigate its application to pharmacokinetic and absolute bioavailability study in Beagle dogs .