
  1. 药材交易中心位于广州六二三路的清平市场内。

    The center is located at the Qingping Medicine Center Complex in Qingping Market in Liu-er-san Lu in Guangzhou .

  2. 目的:论述中国古代药市的形成及与当代药材交易会(药交会)的关系和它们的重要功能、作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the formation of Chinese ancient medicine fairs , the relationships between today 's medicine material trade and the ancient medicine fairs and their important functions .

  3. 接下来又分析了中岳庙会中所体现出的道教文化,主要体现在中岳庙会保留的完整的古代建筑、庙会中药材交易的特殊意义和道教习俗和唱经歌并存的奇特现象。

    Next analyze Zhongyue Temple Fair reflecting the Taoist culture , mainly reflecting in the complete ancient building reserved , the special significance of the herbs transactions and the strange phenomenon of co-existence of Taoist practices and singing Buddhist songs .