
  • 网络School Work Plan
  1. 2003学年度第一学期学校工作计划。

    The school working plan for the first term in2003 .

  2. 中国已经建立起老年性痴呆干预网络,并将心理健康教育、预防心理行为问题工作纳入学校日常工作计划。

    At the same time , China has established a network for Alzheimer 's intervention as well as mental health education programs and programs aimed at preventing behavioral problems .

  3. 美国的职教课程体系包括基础教育中的生计教育课程、综合高中的职前技术教育课程、职业技术学校课程和从学校到工作的过渡计划课程。

    Curriculum system of America vocational education includes livelihood education course in basic education , technical education course of pre-occupation in comprehensive senior middle school , courses in vocational and technical schools and planning course in the transition from school to work .