
  • 网络academic frontier
  1. 健康社会科学:21世纪的一个学术前沿

    Health-Social Science : An Academic Frontier in the 21st Century

  2. 艺术及艺术教育的重要性问题已成为新世纪的学术前沿。

    The importance of the art and the artistic education has become the academic frontier in the 21st century .

  3. 疾病史属于国际学术前沿领域。

    The history of diseases belongs to the international front field .

  4. 农产品营销渠道问题是农产品营销研究的核心问题和学术前沿。

    The problem about agricultural products marketing channel is the key problem and academic front .

  5. 随着国家赔偿法修改草案的提出,又将这一问题推向学术前沿。

    Because Governmental Compensation Act will be amended , this question becomes more and more important .

  6. 要加强基础研究,在若干主攻方向上占领国际学术前沿阵地;

    It should strengthen basic research and occupy the front position of international academia in some main key aspects .

  7. 它是中华民族传统文化与社会科学在特定的社会历史条件下双向互动的产物,是中华民族传统体育研究领域的学术前沿。

    It is the result of the exchanging the Chinese national traditional culture and social science in special condition .

  8. 本研究响应建设生态园林城市的号召,具有现实和学术前沿意义。

    The research responses the governmental calling upon the construction on eco-landscape city , having practical and reality significances .

  9. 当代情报学进展及学术前沿探寻&近十年国外情报学研究论文内容分析

    Current Advances and Academic Frontier in Information Science & A Content Analysis of the Journal Articles in Information Science Abroad

  10. 鉴于教授们须在其领域里力保处于学术前沿,因而他们要花部分时间仅可能多多阅读学术资料。

    Because they must remain current in their fields , professors spend part of that time reading , reading , reading .

  11. 经过四年学习,使学生初步具备在基础数学或应用数学某个方向从事当代学术前沿问题研究的能力。

    After four-years-study , the students should have researching ability for academic open problems in some directions of pure or applied mathematics .

  12. 图像识别属于人工智能的一部分,是当前学术前沿,诞生了众多的研究分支。

    Image recognition is one part of the artificial intelligence and produces a large number of branches as the current academic front .

  13. 因此,流域梯级复杂水电能源系统多目标调度决策的理论与方法的研究始终是学术前沿的热点问题。

    Consequently , the study of multi-objective decision-making theory and method in complex cascade hydropower system is always the hot issues in academic frontier .

  14. 近年来马克思主义哲学本体论研究成为马克思主义哲学研究的学术前沿和热点。

    Recently research on Marxism 's theory on philosophic ontology turns out to be both academic front and hot issue of Marxism 's philosophic research .

  15. 80年代以来,我国人地关系研究在科学体系和理论体系的构建、国际学术前沿领域的追踪、人地关系地域系统等方面取得长足发展。

    Since the 1980s , with the scientific subjects ' recovery , the geographic theory system has been built up , and regional study developed .

  16. 中国旅游地理是旅游管理专业的基础课,其理论研究一直是学术前沿关注的热点之一。

    Chinese tourism geography is a basic course of tourism management specialty , and its theories research has been an hot spot of academic front attention .

  17. 新-新贸易理论是国际贸易的学术前沿,而出口与企业生产率的关系是其中的一个重要内容。

    New-new trade theory is the academic pioneer in international trade and the relationship between export and enterprise productivity is a main content of the theory .

  18. 人文谈话节目,是近两年从电视谈话节目中衍生出来的、以精英文化为代表的人文学术前沿节目。

    Talk show on human culture is a kind of new program that represents the front line of human culture , which derived from TV talk show .

  19. 书中的研究成果和观点即使在今天看来仍然处于学术前沿,对我们目前在这方面的研究仍有着一定的指导意义。

    Nowadays , the viewpoints in the writings were still in the forward position of the academic research and had a directive function on our current research .

  20. 学习型组织与知识管理是当今理论界研究的热点,同时也是目前的学术前沿。

    It is nowadays focus that the theory circle studies learning organization and knowledge management , and it is also the present academic front at the same time .

  21. 如今,我本人就订阅了60或70种期刊杂志,以便自己跟上不断拓展的学术前沿中一个微小部分的发展动向。

    Now , I find myself subscribing to60 or70 journals or magazines just to keep me up with what amounts to a minute proportion of the expanding frontiers of scholarship .

  22. 为进入这一学术前沿,本文提出了个性课程的概念,并试图将之作为一个独立的研究领域而进行专题研究。

    In order to enter this academic frontier , the author puts forward the concept of " individuality curriculum " , and tries to have a monographic study as an independent field .

  23. 二十世纪九十年代末期以来,金融发展理论与国际贸易理论日益融合,关于两者关系的研究成为当前一个快速成长的学术前沿。

    Since the late 1990s , as the theory of financial development and international trade integrate increasingly , the research on the relationship between the two topic becomes a rapidly growing academic frontier .

  24. 目前国内外对多电平技术在AC/AC直接变换中的应用研究很少,尚处于学术前沿性研究阶段。

    Nowadays , it is rare in the world that the application of multi-level technique in ac / ac direct converter fields , so it is still in the period of science front researching .

  25. 本论文综合运用预警管理理论、安全科学、故障诊断理论、复杂科学等相关学科的理论和方法,将多学科的学术前沿内容有机地交叉融合,具有重要的研究价值。

    With the theories methods of early warning management , safety science , fault diagnoses and complexity science etc. being utilized , the thesis combines the front of several subjects and its methodology is valuable .

  26. 目前,收入分配中研究收入分配差距的学者较多,而对收入流动性之类的学术前沿进行分析的文献较少。

    At present , in the income distribution research area , most scholars researched income distribution gap , while the academic literature of income mobility , which is one of the academic frontier , is less .

  27. 随着网络与信息化的普遍应用与快速发展,计算机犯罪取证技术越来越成为世界各国普遍关注、并亟待解决的学术前沿课题之一。

    With the popular application and rapid progress of networks and information technology , the cyber-crime forensics is more and more concerned by all of the world which is being issue that needs to be resolved urgently .

  28. 贺昌群是我国现代著名史学家,早年在商务印书馆编译所工作,通过繁重的译事,接触到大量日本和欧洲汉学的学术前沿。

    He Chang qun was a famous modern Chinese historian . He knew a lot of sinological frontier of Japan and Europe through heavy translation when he worked in Commercial Press of Compilation in his early life .

  29. 中国音乐史学科发展前瞻十要点&哲学、美学、音乐学学术前沿成果报告会演讲提纲

    Ten Main Points On Watching the Development of the Subject of the Chinese Musical History From A Height : The Outline For the Lecture About A Public Lecture of the Scholarships in Philosophy , Esthetics & Musicology

  30. 近年来马克思哲学本体论研究成为马克思哲学研究的学术前沿和热点,是由学界对实践在马克思哲学中的地位的辨析引发的。

    The author observed that research on ontology in Marxist philosophy has become a hot issue in academic research of Marxist philosophy . This was initiated by an analysis of the position of " practice " in Marxist philosophy .