
  • 网络nanocapsules;nanocapsule;nano-capsule;LNCS
  1. 磁性研究表明,与块体金属Ni相比,纳米胶囊的饱和磁化强度减小,而矫顽力增加。

    Magnetism research shows that the saturation magnetization of nanocapsules decreases and the coercive force of nanocapsules increases , compared with pure bulk Ni .

  2. 这些纳米胶囊的直径为50~200nm,长度约为100~800nm。

    The nanocapsules are 50 ~ 200 nm in diameter and 100 ~ 800 nm in length .

  3. 讨论了碱性条件下EDTA在Bi2Te3纳米胶囊形成过程中的软模板作用。

    EDTA can act as a soft-template to facilitate the formation of Bi_2Te_3 nanocapsules in the alkaline solution .

  4. 高分辨电镜观察下,可以看出纳米胶囊的壁厚约为6nm,垂直于Bi2Te3晶格的C轴方向。

    The tube walls have a thickness of about 6 nm with the normal parallel to the c-axis of Bi_2Te_3 crystal lattice .

  5. 研究发现在MMA体系中制备纳米胶囊的最佳条件为:SDS(1wt%),亲水性共单体(1wt%MAA)。

    In the case of MMA as a main monomer , the optimal conditions for a good encapsulation are : SDS ( 1.0wt % ), hydrophilic comonomer ( 1.0wt % MAA ) .

  6. 对这种纳米胶囊进行了X射线衍射、X光电子谱、俄歇能谱、氧含量测定及HRTEM、磁性分析等研究,提供了确定纳米颗粒新型壳-核结构的可靠实验依据。

    The reliable experimental bases for determining the new shell nucleus structure of nanoparticles were provided by X ray diffraction , X ray electron spectrometry , Auger energy spectrometry , oxygen determination , HRTEM and magnetic properties analysis .

  7. 在O/W型APG微乳液模板上,以明胶和阿拉伯树胶作为包裹材料,用复凝聚的方法制备纳米胶囊,对影响纳米胶囊的合成条件进行了分析。

    Nanocapsules were synthesized in O / W microemulsion by complex coacervation with natural polymer of arabic gum and gelatin . The synthesis conditions of polymeric nanocapsules were analyzed .

  8. 淀粉基碳包覆铁纳米胶囊的合成及其磁学性能

    Preparation and magnetic properties of carbon encapsulated iron nanocapsules from starch

  9. 纳米胶囊具有广阔的应用前景,已受到国内外研究者的广泛关注。

    Nanocapsules have broad application prospects , so have received extensive attentions .

  10. 薰衣草纳米胶囊制备及其在彩棉针织物上的应用

    Preparation of nano lavender microcapsule and its application to colored cotton knits

  11. 微/纳米胶囊相变材料的制备及应用进展

    Preparation and application of micro-encapsulated / nano-encapsulated phase change materials

  12. 相变纳米胶囊及其在纺织品上的应用

    PCM ( Phase Change Materials ) Nanocapsules and Its Application in Textiles

  13. 研究开发了一种全新的农药剂型水悬纳米胶囊剂,利用乳液聚合反应制备的纳米级胶囊。

    Pesticide-nanocapsules suspension concentrate was prepared by emulsion polymerization .

  14. 微乳中界面聚合法制备包载胰岛素纳米胶囊

    Preparation of insulin nanocapsules by interfacial polymerization in microemulsion

  15. 本文探讨了以玫瑰-龙涎-檀香复合香精为芯材的壳聚糖纳米胶囊在纺织品上的应用性能。

    The application performance of chitosan rose-amber-sandal nano-capsules was discussed in this paper .

  16. 微乳中复凝聚法制备壳聚糖-明胶纳米胶囊

    Nanocapsules Preparation by Complex Coacervation in Microemulsion With Chitosan-gelatin

  17. 活性空心聚硅氧烷纳米胶囊的制备及在催化中的应用

    The fabrication of reactive hollow polysiloxane capsule and the Application in Heck Reaction

  18. PLA/PEG/PLA三嵌段共聚物载药纳米胶囊的制备及表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Drug-loaded PLA / PEG / PLA Triblock Copolymer Nanocapsules

  19. 复配型乳化剂在氯氰菊酯纳米胶囊制备中的应用

    Application of mixed emulsifiers for preparation of Cypermethrin nanocapsules

  20. 壳聚糖纳米胶囊固定化α-淀粉酶及其特性的研究

    Characteristics of immobilized α - amylase on chitosan nano-particles

  21. 详细讨论了乳化剂对纳米胶囊性质的影响。

    The influence of emulsifiers on property of nanocapsules was discussed in detail .

  22. 壳聚糖基肉味香精纳米胶囊化的制备

    Study on the Nanocapsulation of Meat Flavor in Chitosan

  23. 可生物降解聚合物纳米胶囊型药物载体及组合胶囊的药物控制释放

    Biodegradable polymer micelles as drug carriers and control drug release technique by assembled micelles

  24. 胶体体系中合成纳米胶囊的研究进展

    Progress on preparation of nanocapsules in colloid systems

  25. 纳米胶囊的制备方法与结构性能的研究进展

    Progress on preparation and performance of nanocapsules

  26. 原位聚合合成纳米胶囊

    Production of nanocapsules by in-situ polymerization

  27. 阿维菌素水悬纳米胶囊剂的高效液相色谱分析

    HPLC Analysis of Abamectin-nanocapsules Suspension Concentrate

  28. 在甲烷气氛中蒸发各种磁性金属可获得具有良好物理化学性能的磁性纳米胶囊。

    The magnetic nanocapsules with good physicochemical performance are obtained through vaporizing various magnetic metals in the methane atmosphere .

  29. 制备出来的纳米胶囊材料在荧光成像、生物检测、磁共振成像、光动力学疗法等方面有着潜在的应用。

    The as-prepared nanocapsules have potential applications in fluorescence imaging , biological detection , magnetic resonance imaging and photodynamic therapy .

  30. 制备的相变纳米胶囊在透射电镜下有核壳型和聚氨酯粒子型两种粒子。

    The PCMN with cross-linked shell had two kinds of particle structures under transmission electron microscope : core-shell structure and polyurethane particle .