
  1. CCD图像传感技术的现状与应用前景

    The Present Situation and Application Prospects of CCD Image Sensing Technique

  2. 基于CMOS的图像传感技术及其在军事中的应用

    Image Sensing Technology Based on CMOS and Its Military Applications

  3. 基于CCD与CMOS的图像传感技术

    Image sensing technology based on CCD and CMOS

  4. 基于CMOS工艺的图像传感技术研究与进展

    Review on investigation and development for CMOS image sensor

  5. 论文主要研究工作是:①以嵌入式技术为依托、结合图像传感技术和信号处理技术,提出了基于S3C2410A的嵌入式微型生化分析仪硬件系统的总体设计方案。

    The primary coverage is listed as following : ① Relying on embedded systems , and combining with image sensor technology , temperature sensing technology and signal processing technology , we put forward an overall scheme of the design of Embedded micro-biochemical analyzer hardware system .

  6. 三维焊缝图像传感技术

    3D image sensing technology of welding seam

  7. 目前利用图像传感技术进行高速高精度的非接触实时检测已经成为现实并取得了一定的成果。

    Currently non-contact testing in real time , using image sensing technology for high speed and high precision , has become a reality and achieved some success .

  8. 本文正是以机器人图像传感技术为研究出发点,根据需要搭建三个试验装置实现了移动机器人的完全自主导航和空中机器人所拍摄的地面图像中目标信息的提取。

    Taking the image sensing technology as the start of this research , 3 experiment devices are built . Both autonomous navigation of Mobile Robot and extraction of target information from the image taken by Aerial Robot are fully achieved in this thesis .

  9. 针对激光光斑尺寸小,焊接工艺要求严格的问题,基于图像传感技术在线监测了焊接过程,分析了焊接过程不稳定的主要影响因素。

    Due to the diameter of laser beam is very minor , the requirement of welding process is quiet strict , so the welding process was monitored on line , and the factor that result in the unstability of welding process was analyzed .

  10. 现在图像传感技术的发展,测量分辨率迅速增加,不仅对数据传输速率的要求越来越高,对系统的存储容量、体积、造价、稳定性等都提出了更高要求。

    Because of the development of the sensing technology of image and running up of resolution of the measurement now , designers have higher requirement for not only transfer rate of the data , but also storage capacity , volume , cost , stability to the system , etc.

  11. 激光图像挠度传感技术研究

    Study on laser & imaging deflection sensing technique

  12. CMOS图像传感芯片的成像技术

    Techniques for CMOS Imaging Chips

  13. 随着图像处理技术和嵌入式系统发展成熟,新型的图像传感技术已经可以应用到电梯技术中,从而提升电梯的效率、安全和舒适性。

    With the development of image processing technology and embedded system , image sensor technology can be applied to elevator technology to enhance the efficiency , security and comfort of elevators .