
  • 网络non-image optics;non imaging optics;non-imaging optics;nonimaging optics
  1. 其次,介绍了非成像光学的基本理论以及在照明中的应用。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the basic theory of non-imaging optics as well as the application in lighting .

  2. 本论文内容之一,运用非成像光学理论,主要对LED汽车后雾灯透镜和LED路灯透镜进行二次光学的设计研究与探索。

    One of the work in this paper is work in secondary optical design of LED mainly in areas of automobile rear fog lamp lighting and streetlamp lighting , utilizing the non-image formation optical design theory .

  3. 围绕非成像光学系统的两大核心问题,即光强和光照度,开展LED照明光学系统的研究。节能灯及照明的能效分析

    The main two aspects of LED illumination system , intensity and illuminance , are researched in this thesis by the support of Fujian institute of optical technology and Shanghai Xinlu Corporation . The capacity and efficiency analysis of energy-saving lamp and illuminance

  4. 第二章对非成像光学系统进行研究。

    Chapter 2 studied non-imaging optical systems .

  5. 介绍了非成像光学理论的起源以及与成像光学理论研究的区别。

    It introduced origins of the non-imaging optical theories and its difference to the imaging optical theory .

  6. 讨论了理论最大集光比率和光学扩展量以及非成像光学系统一种重要的分析方法,边缘光线分析法。

    It discussed maximum concentration ratio , lagrange invariant etendue and an important analytic method in non-imaging optical theories , edge-ray method .

  7. 文中针对微型投影显示系统的特点,借鉴非成像光学分析方法对系统进行描述,深入地分析了微型投影显示系统中光学器件的初始结构和设计方法。

    According to the characteristics of micro-projection system , non-imaging optical technology was analyzed in this paper , especially the initial structure of optical devices and design methods for micro projection system .

  8. 为了克服该设计方法的缺点,本论文在文献调研的基础上,建立了点光源的非成像光学设计模型,提出了一种基于一阶拟线性偏微分方程的自由曲面反射器设计方法。

    To overcome the disadvantages , A freeform reflector design method , which is mainly based on a first-order quasi-linear partial differential equation , is proposed in this article for uniform rectangular illuminance distribution in the field of LED illumination .

  9. 基于哈特曼波前传感器的非制冷红外成像光学读出系统

    Application of Hartmann-Shack Sensor in Optical Readout System of Uncooled Infrared Imaging