
  • 网络Non motor vehicles;non-power-driven vehicle
  1. 基于嵌入式技术的城市非机动车辆查询终端设计

    Design of inquiries terminal for non motor-vehicles based on embedded technology

  2. 致伤于非机动车辆者543例,占31.57%。

    1177 cases were due to motor vehicles and 543 cases due to non-motor vehicle .

  3. 非机动车辆因缺乏有效的管理而频繁被盗已成为不少城市的一个顽疾。

    Nowadays non-automatic vehicles have been stolen frequently , which has become a persistent ailment in many cities .

  4. 进出国境的非机动车辆和马帮等,必须接受边防检查站的检查。

    Non-motor vehicles and caravans entering or leaving the country shall submit to inspection by the Frontier Inspection Station .

  5. 在中国大多数的城市交通中,由机动车辆和非机动车辆组成了混合交通流。

    In most urban traffics in China , mix-traffic streams in urban traffic are composed of motorized and non-motorized vehicles .

  6. 本文主要从理论上研究交叉口的汽车冲突和主动避撞方式,但不包括行人和非机动车辆。

    In this paper automotive intersection collision and intersection crash avoidance manner are studied , but pedestrians and non-motor vehicles are not involved in the collisions discussed in this paper .

  7. 在自适应模糊控制中,考虑到非机动车辆的影响,根据各相位排队长度,确定绿灯相位的延时时间和下一个最佳绿灯相位。

    In the adaptive fuzzy control , the delay time of the green phase and the next best one were on the base of the infection of the non-vehicle and the length of every phase queue .

  8. 充分考虑非机动车辆和行人的安全,他们的安全应受到足够的尊重;需要照明时,光线充足;这辆旧马车是在汽车发明前就存在的。

    Adequate provision should be made for both cyclists and pedestrians , having due regard for their safety . They should be well lit , where necessary . This old carriage antedates the invention of the car .

  9. 由于一部分人的交通意识淡薄,行人和非机动车辆对于干线的横向干扰,很大程度上降低了信号控制的效率,已成为信号控制不可忽视的制约因素。

    Because of the weak awareness of traffic , the horizontal interferences of pedestrian and non-motorized vehicles , following the depression of the signal control system 's efficiency , has been a considerate factor which cannot be ignored .

  10. 近年来,由于各种机动车和非机动车辆数目突飞猛进的增加,使得原本较为严重的交通拥堵问题变的雪上加霜,而这些交通问题也迫使着众多国内外学者将注意力集中在交通流理论模型的研究中。

    In recent years , the traffic congestion problems have become worse due to the percentage of various motor and non-motor car holders being snowballing . Meanwhile , a lot of here and overseas scholars have to focus on the traffic flow models in the study .

  11. 实验表明,该方法可有效解决小样本条件下,城区场景中所需考虑的车辆-行人-非机动车辆-背景等多类分类问题。(5)论文详细论述了基于视觉的目标跟踪定位方法。

    Experiment shows that the method can effectively resolve the multi-class classification problem including vehicle , pedestrian , non-motor vehicle , background , etc in urban traffic scenes , especially the small samples condition . Fifthly , the vision-based object tracking method is discussed detailedly in the paper .

  12. 热风去雾器,非电动道路机动车辆用

    Demister , hot air , non-electrical , for motor vehicles

  13. 该混合器体积小、重量轻,能安装在非机动或机动车辆上使用。

    The mixer has the advantages of small size , light weight , being arranged on non-motor or motor vehicles .

  14. 传动曲柄(非发零件的机动车辆和航空器的零件除外)

    Crank , transmission ( excl. motor vehicle and aircraft parts which are not internal parts of engines )

  15. 由于非机动车性能所限,醉驾型危险驾驶行为不包括非机动车在内,但导致严重后果以交通肇事罪定罪时,应将非机动车辆涵盖在内。

    Limited performance due to non-motor vehicle , dangerous driving drunk driving type does not include non-motor vehicles , including , but lead to serious consequences for the Crime of conviction , non-motorized vehicles should be covered .