
fēi yǔ yán xínɡ wéi
  • nonlinguistic activity
  1. 非语言行为在教学中的运用也谈语言冗余杂多钨酸及其盐对碳钢的缓蚀作用

    Discussion on the Application of Non - Linguistic Behavior in Teaching

  2. 实证研究:非语言行为对英汉连续传译表现的影响

    Empirical Research on the Impact of Nonverbal Behavior on Consecutive Interpreting Performance

  3. 交际外语教学中非语言行为之运用

    Application of Non - verbal Communication in Communicative Language Teaching

  4. 说到非语言行为或身体语言时,

    So obviously when we think about nonverbal behavior , or body language

  5. 非语言行为在外语教学中的作用

    The function of nonverbal behavior in foreign language teaching

  6. 由于不同的文化背景和文化差异,非语言行为的表达也大不相同。

    Due to the cultural differences , the expressions of nonverbal communication have their differences .

  7. 试论非语言行为与英语教学

    On the Non-verbal Communication and English Teaching

  8. 不同的非语言行为在不同的文化背景下所表示的内含不尽相同,跨文化交际中的非语言交际的冲突也日益显露。

    Since different nonverbal behaviors have different meanings in different cultures , conflicts are unavoidable .

  9. 文学作品也经常通过非语言行为的描写来刻画人物性格,塑造人物形象。

    In literary works , the characters ' personalities are often shaped through non-verbal behavior .

  10. 体育体语,是人类社会活动的一种特殊的非语言行为。

    Body language of PE is a kind of special language behavior in human social activities .

  11. 因此,我们的非语言行为似乎的确控制我们的想法以及我们对自身的感受。

    So it seems that our nonverbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves .

  12. 用合适的问题来检验自己的讲解是否清楚,用适当的语言和非语言行为转达您的教学热情。

    Check clarity of explanation by appropriate questions ; convey enthusiasm with appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior .

  13. 这是最新两项相关非语言行为文化差异研究的最新研究结果。

    These are just two relatively new findings to emerge from studying cultural differences in nonverbal behaviour .

  14. 在此基础上,作者分析了非语言行为的基本解读向度,非语言沟通的差异,进而指出如何提高非语言交际的品质。

    The author analyzes the basic decoding manners differences of non-verbal communication behaviors and how to improve non-verbal communication quality .

  15. 探讨了在课堂教学中如何运用非语言行为来提高教学效果的问题。

    Discussion is made on how to improve the teaching effect by applying non - linguistic behavior in the class .

  16. 语言行为是交际的主导因素,非语言行为是语言行为的重要辅助手段。

    Verbal behavior is the leading factor in communication , while non-verbal behavior is an important aid to the verbal one .

  17. 为了更好地控制和利用这种非语言行为,需要对其特征和发展变化的一般规律进行全面系统的研究。

    To better control and use it , it is necessary to study the characteristics and general principles of its development .

  18. 我对观察我的对手的复合表现也很感兴趣,那种发生在一簇或一连串中的非语言行为。

    I 'm also interested in watching my opponents for multiple tells , nonverbal behaviors that occur in clusters or in succession .

  19. 在跨文化交际中,除了语言行为之外,非语言行为也发挥着相当重要的作用,而且具有很强的文化特征。

    In cross-cultural communication , nonverbal activities , with distinct cultural characteristic features , are playing equally-important roles as well as verbal ones .

  20. 不要低估从观察和尝试读懂玩家非语言行为的实践中获得的经验的价值。

    Don 't underestimate the practice value you 'll get from observing other players and trying to read them through their nonverbal behaviors .

  21. 不同文化的人们交际时,交际者会自觉不自觉地用自己的文化规则来决定自己的非语言行为。

    When people with dissimilar cultures communicate , the communicator will decide his own non-language behavior by his own cultural rule consciously or unconsciously .

  22. 交际行为包括语言行为和非语言行为两类,它们相互作用,才构成了人类交际的完整体系。

    Communicative behavior is classified as verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior . They interact with each other and constitute the complete system of human communication .

  23. 培养译者现场观察非语言行为有助于正确判断交际参与人的真正意图。

    Training interpreters how to observe the parties ' nonverbal behaviors on the spot may help them judge correctly the real intention of the participants .

  24. 非语言行为是人类交际不可缺少的一部分,它在人类交际中起着语言交际无法替代的作用。

    Non-verbal communication is an essential part of human communication just as verbal communication , and it plays a very important role which can not be replaced by verbal communication .

  25. 本论文主要研究课堂上教师的非语言行为,主要阐述:教师非语言行为在发展师生关系中的作用;

    This essay focuses upon the teachers nonverbal behavior in the classroom , aiming to explore : ( 1 ) the role that teachers nonverbal behavior plays in developing teacher-student-relationships ;

  26. 由于交际双方文化背景不同、社会环境各异、思维方式和交际方式有别,因此会对同一词、同一句话、非语言行为和事物产生不同的理解。

    Because there exist different cultural backgrounds , different ways of thinking and communication , to the same words and the same nonverbal behaviors , people understand them differently , which leads to culture shock .

  27. 通过有关文献资料的查询和研究,总结20多年的教学经验,系统分析了非语言行为与体育教学的作用关系及运用原理,对提高体育教学质量具有重要指导意义。

    Researching into relative literature and information and summarizing over twenty years teaching experiences , this paper systematically analyses the interaction and relation between non - language behavior and physical education and their applied principle .

  28. 指出要提高跨文化交际能力,必须重视跨文化交际中的深层文化,这里从价值念、思维方式、文化定势和非语言行为等深层的文化层面,对中西文化差异进行比较。

    Therefore to improve their cross-cultural communication competence , the students should focus on profound culture in cross-cultural communication , such as values , stereotype and nonverbal behaviour , and compare their differences between China and Western countries .

  29. 据《非语言行为》杂志报道,照片上笑出鱼尾纹来的人被认为更智慧、更有魅力,而且还更有影响力。

    The people in the photographs were also thought to be more intelligent and more attractive when the skin around their eyes was wrinkled , and to be slightly more dominant , the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior reports .

  30. 本文将对跨文化交流中的非语言行为进行分析,了解不同文化下的不同非语言行为,从而正确处理非语言交际中的文化冲突,成功地进行跨文化交际。外语教学与跨文化交流

    On the basis of different cultures , the paper makes an analysis of nonverbal communication so as to find ways to deal with the conflicts and achieve success in intercultural communication . Foreign languages teaching and intercultural communication