
  1. 企业开始失败工程和工厂订单大幅减少。

    Businesses began to fail as construction work and factory orders plunged .

  2. 工厂订单、商业信心和库存货运比等数字都在走强。

    Factory orders , business confidence and inventory to shipments ratios are turning stronger .

  3. 不过,5月份美国工厂订单下降0.5%的跌幅则较预期轻微。

    However , the0.5 % decline in US factory orders in May was smaller than expected .

  4. 12月至1月,机器设备和其他商品的工厂订单增幅超过7%。

    Factory orders for machinery and other goods rose more than 7 % from December to January .

  5. 美国商务部称,6月份美国工厂订单有所上升,这已是连续第三个月。

    The Commerce Department says orders placed at U.S. factories increased in June , for a third straight month .

  6. 今天的经济日历由德国服务业数据、欧盟零售销售数据、服务业数据、英国服务业数据和美国工厂订单数据构成。

    Today 's calendar consists of German Services data , EU retail sales , services data , UK services data and US factory orders .

  7. 眼下工厂订单增多,所以这里相对比较忙,但生意还是远不及2006年和2007年那会儿。

    It has been relatively busy because factories have more orders now . But business still isn 't nearly as good as it was in 2006-07 .

  8. 上周,中国官方发布的反映内地工厂订单状况的数据显示,制造业已开始再次增长。

    Last week , an official indicator of the state of factory orders on the mainland showed that the manufacturing sector has begun to grow again .

  9. 但与此同时,商务部称工厂订单在1月份下降1%,达到了15个月以来的最低。

    But at the same time , the Commerce Department said factory orders fell 1 % in January that was the largest drop in 15 months .

  10. 美国商务部报告说,美国10月份的工厂订单减少了5.1%,是8年来的最大降幅,从而进一步证明需求下降这个事实。

    The Commerce Department provided further evidence of reduced demand for goods , reporting a 5.1 percent decline in U.S. factory orders for October , the biggest drop in eight years .

  11. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示:中国经济硬着陆的表现或与2008年第四季度以及2009年第一季度的经济形势类似,当时出口严重萎缩,工厂没有订单,数以千万计的农民工被解雇。

    A hard landing in China would look like the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 when exports collapsed , factories had no orders and migrant workers were laid off by the tens of millions , says Wang Tao , an economist at UBS .

  12. 管理美国公司下发到工厂的订单;

    Manage Purchase Orders ( PO 's ) issued to the factory ;

  13. 工厂因订单过多而穷于应付。

    The factory is submerged with orders .

  14. 因为工厂缺少订单,他们暂时停止雇用20名工人。

    They have laid off twenty workers at the mill because of lack of orders .

  15. 负责制作合同并向工厂下订单,负责跟踪工厂合同订单货物的生产进度,督促按时交货;

    Issue purchase contract and place order to factory , follow up with factory on progress of purchased goods production , urge for on-time delivery ;

  16. 和工厂一起跟进订单从打样到大批量生产的全过程。

    Handle orders processing from development to bulk production together with factories .

  17. 中国工厂的新订单数字已连续四个月萎缩。

    New orders at Chinese factories have contracted for four consecutive months .

  18. 我们向该工厂发出粮食订单时,总是将2%损耗率计入在内。

    We always calculated a two percent scalage when we placed a grain order from the mill .

  19. 最后,本课题通过实现客户关系自定义控件和基于工厂模式的订单创建功能,探索了用于模块重用的工厂设计模式和自定义控件技术。

    At last , discuss the reuse technology by realizing order creation in factory pattern and a custom relation user control .

  20. 由美国商业部于周三披露的另一份报告显示,一月份工厂的产品订单出现暴跌。

    A separate report from the Commerce Department on Wednesday showed that factories saw demand for their products drop sharply in January .

  21. 商业投资的一项签署将加快商务部所表示的在一年的大多数时间内工厂货物的订单上涨。

    In a sign the business investment will pick up the commerce department says orders for long-lasting factory goods rose last month by the most in a year .

  22. 把所有工厂接到的订单,按照每张订单的生产路线设定规划出整间工厂每台机器、每个工序的仔细排程。

    APX developed each process and the careful scheduling in accordance with the Job Orders of each production line , machine and procedure whenever the factories received the Sales Orders .

  23. 如何才能取消工厂工作再次Lidl订单?

    How can a cancelled factory work again for Lidl orders ?

  24. 工厂里几乎没有订单,所以工资很低。

    There were hardly any orders at the factory , which meant salaries were low .

  25. 上个月,美国工厂耐用制品的订单量攀升3.5%。

    Orders to US factories are for long-lasting manufactured goods jumped 3.5 % last month .

  26. 经济学家预计七月份美国工厂的耐用品订单比上月增加3%。

    Economists estimate orders for long-lasting goods made in U.S. factories surged 3 % from June .

  27. 金融危机的主要冲击并不是工厂关门,而是订单和制造产能的缩水。

    The main impact of the financial crisis has not been factory closures but shrinking orders and manufacturing capacity .

  28. 南京工厂的人力资源部门向中国日报证实工厂确实已经没有订单,但是拒绝透露更多细节,例如是否员工将会被解雇。

    A human resources official at the Nanjing plant confirmed to China Daily the factory had gone out of business , but declined to offer more details , like whether its workers will be laid off .