
  1. 酞菁兰B后处理工艺改革探索

    The Exploration of Phthalocyanine Blue B Post treatment Technological Reform

  2. 接触工龄越长,TNT白内障的检出率越高。预防控制TNT职业损害,要进行工艺改革,加强通风排毒,降低车间空气中TNT浓度,采取切实有效的皮肤防护措施。

    Improving the techniques , the ventilation and reducing the concentration of TNT in the workshop and skin protection should be strengthened in order to prevent and control TNT hazard .

  3. 价值工程在电镀工艺改革中的应用

    The Use of Value Engineering During Electroplating Process Re - design

  4. 金沙江木材流送工艺改革的探讨

    A Discussion on Process Reform of Wood Drifting in Jinsha River

  5. 钨冶炼经典工艺改革和发展方向

    The improvement and trend of the traditional metallurgy of tungsten

  6. 碱式氯化铝生产工艺改革实践

    Technique Reformation Experiences for Production of Basic Aluminum Chlorides

  7. 散粮过驳装卸工艺改革的实践

    Practice of Handling Technology Reform for Bulk Food Barge

  8. 甜菜糖蜜氧化制草酸葡萄酒氧化机理与工艺改革研究

    Oxidation mechanism and manufacture technology reformation of wine

  9. 混凝土搅拌工艺改革的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of concrete mixing technology renovation

  10. 拱形支架巷道支护工艺改革

    Supporting Technique Reform in Mine Arch Support Roadway

  11. 和项目和工程记录负责人合作致力于所有生产设备的工艺改革管理。

    Work with project and engineering records leader to manage process changes for all production equipments .

  12. 以实例说明价值工程在自行车小零件电镀工艺改革中的应用。

    An example for the use of value engineering during redesigning of electroplating processes for small bicycle parts was cited .

  13. 鉴于此,提出两项工艺改革方案:1.采用刷镀或电镀锡工艺提高锡与球铁表面的结合力;

    Thereby two reforming measures are put forward : 1 . applying brush plating or electrotinning to improve the bonding force ;

  14. 轻型综合机械化放顶煤开采试验,是焦作矿区在突出煤层进行采煤工艺改革的尝试。

    Testing study of comprehensive light-duty coal mining technology was attempted for coal mining technology reform in outburst coal of Jiaozuo Mining Area .

  15. 该文介绍了对酱腌菜传统生产工艺改革的主要内容,包括蔬菜收购方式、酱腌菜原料的品种、蔬菜腌渍工艺、蔬菜咸坯贮存方法、酱渍工艺等。

    This paper dealt with the main content of the innovation of traditional processing technology of pickles in detail , including ways of vegetables purchase , varieties of raw materials , technique of pickling , storage methods of salted vegetable , and technique of aging .

  16. 调整工艺路线改革天然药物化学实验

    Adjusting Technical Route to Reform the Experimentation on Chemistry of Nature Drugs

  17. 论低盐固态酿制酱油生产工艺的改革

    Innovation of soy sauce processing technology with low-salt solid-state fermentation

  18. 工程素质培养与电子工艺实习改革

    Cultivation of Engineering Quality and the Reform and Practice of Electronic Process Practice

  19. 不锈钢管酸洗工艺的改革

    Innovation on acid pickling process for stainless steel tube

  20. 吉林省半干旱地区种植机械化生产工艺的改革与试验

    The Reform And Test of Planting Mechanization Technology In Semi-arid Region of Jilin Province

  21. 浅谈酱油酿造工艺的改革

    The reformation of brewing technics of soy sauce

  22. 该文主要探索了寿生酒传统工艺的改革,试验表明;

    Reforming the traditional technique of Shousheng yellow rice wine was mainly researched in this paper .

  23. 从采煤工艺的改革、通风和生产能力、瓦斯治理等方面综合考虑,Y型通风系统是具有发展前途的通风系统。

    From mining craft , ventilation , productive ability and gas control , Y model ventilation system has future .

  24. 这种创新有两种途径:一是运用工艺的改革创造新的色彩表现,取其形。

    This innovation is of two approaches : one is to choose the form by using the innovation of technique to create new color .

  25. 在革基布用纱的生产实践中,为了提高革基布用纱的质量,达到布面挂胶均匀的目的,对原料的使用上进行了大胆的工艺技术改革。

    In the proceeding of the T / R gauze production , in order to improve the quality of the T / R gauze and spread the glue equally , we reformed the technology of the craft .

  26. 化学工艺学教学改革的深度研究

    An in-Depth Study of Teaching Reforming of Chemical Technology Subject

  27. 这么说,像这种成本低廉的新工艺可以彻底改革钢铁工业了?

    So a really cheap process like this can revolutionize the steel industry ?

  28. 电子工艺实训教学改革的几点做法

    Several procedures of electronic craft practically teaching reform

  29. 该文介绍了该院本科生在电子工艺课程的改革与实践。建立了大学4年工程素质培养不断线的理念。

    This article introduced the reform and practice of electronic process course , established a concept that the engineering quality cultivating should not be interrupted in university ( 's ) four year ( 's ) study .

  30. 第一章,阐述新加坡工艺教育学院改革和发展的主要内容,包括办学职能、培训对象和培训项目、课程设计和课程设置、教学模式、职业资格证书体系、组织管理。

    Chapter one , explains the main contents of reform and development of ITE , function , target and training project , course design and course offered , teaching mode , job credentials system , organizational management .