
ɡōnɡ yì měi
  • the beauty of technology
  1. 我们必须努力构建民族工艺美教育体系,突出特色教育。

    We must construct the educational system of ethnic arts and crafts and emphasize the features .

  2. 作为中国传统家具的屏风,是凝聚了中国几千年文化内涵和礼仪制度的典范,更是工艺美的杰出代表。

    Screen as Chinese traditional furniture , it embodied chinese cultural about connotation and system of etiquette , it is the outstanding representative of the process of beauty .

  3. 五十年代,福州工艺美校成立,李芝卿、高秀泉等旧时代老艺人们走出街巷,走上讲台,传授漆作工艺。

    The fifties , Fuzhou , arts , crafts school , established . Old artists , such as LI Zhi-qing and GAO Xiu-quan , out of the street and into the classroom , teach painting as craft .

  4. 服装工艺美是指由服装的工艺因素而产生的美感,是服装的形式美要素之一,是通过高超的工艺技术来达到服装设计的效果。

    The beauty of Costume Technology is the aesthetic feeling produced by the technical elment of costume . It is one of the elements of costume beauty in form and it can reach the result of costume design through lofty technology .

  5. 通过对中外各个时期装饰纺织品在室内广泛运用的介绍,从材质美、工艺美、功能美等多个角度阐述了合理地运用纺织品材料进行现代室内环境的整体设计。

    The paper introduces the different phases when decorative textile is widely used in interior design at home and abroad , verifies from different angles that it is an ideal choice to use decorative textile correctly in modern interior design in the public environment .

  6. 浅谈中国古代金属熏炉的工艺之美

    The Beauty of Ancient Chinese Smoking Metal Oven

  7. 越来越多的人开始欣赏当地土著居民的工艺之美。

    More and more people are beginning to appreciate the beauty of aboriginal works of art .

  8. 凭借其独特的制造工艺,美加力涂料可有效防止金属产品的腐蚀,延长金属产品的使用寿命。

    With its unique manufacturing process , the North American power coating can effectively prevent corrosion of metal products to extend the service life of metal products .

  9. 与传统产品的实用之美、造型之美相比,IT产品反映出更多的材质之美、工艺之美、组合之美、精确之美以及简约之美。

    Comparing with the beauty of application and form , IT products show us a material beauty , a technique beauty , a composed beauty , an accurate beauty , and a simple beauty .

  10. 其工艺技术之美尽人皆知,表现了独特的匠意之美。

    It 's well-known for its fine technics and it also expresses the silversmith 's unique feeling and thoughts .

  11. 造物艺术暨民间工艺的形式美及其审美现代性

    The Formal Beauty and the Aesthetic Modernity of the Demiurgic Art and the Folk Arts and Crafts

  12. 纯大漆工艺,包括漆器、漆画和漆塑,是自然美、工艺美、艺术美的体现。

    Nature Chinese lacquer process , included lacquer ware , lacquer paint , and painted sculpture , is an incarnate of beauty on nature , crafts and art .

  13. 苗族银饰造型古朴大气,制作工艺精湛奇巧,装饰效果华美豪奢,即便是在华夏工艺美苑中也堪谓一时之盛,鳌头独占。

    Miao Silver simple atmospheric model , the production of Kit Kat craft , decorative effect China and the United States , even in the Chinese technology is also worthy of the United States Court of that time-shoeing , Nags Taw exclusive .